Bairnsdale - Moroney Street upgrade

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We are improving the road and drainage infrastructure in Moroney Street, Bairnsdale.

The overall objective is to upgrade Moroney Street with a consistent seal width, new underground drainage, kerb and channel, footpath installation as required, parking lanes, tree planting and upgrades to all intersections to improve road safety.

This project involves upgrading the whole of Moroney Street and will be completed in three stages.

There is no cost to residents or property owners for this project.

Stage 1 – Dawson Street to McKean Street - completed

Stage 2 - McKean Street to Birchwood Court - completed

Stage 3 – Birchwood Court to Riley Street - commenced

From Monday 28 August 2023 the intersection of Moroney Street and Taylor Street, Bairnsdale saw significant changes.

Taylor Street traffic no longer has right of way, with give-way line marking installed for traffic direction.

Moroney Street will have the right of way.

Appropriate signage, including ‘Changed Traffic Conditions’ regulatory signage will be installed in the coming days.

As well as Line Marking and Signage, the Taylor Street intersections approaches have two x flat top road humps installed to pacify motorists’ approach to the intersection (like the McCulloch Street intersection).

These changes were recognised as appropriate measures through a ‘Road Safety Audit’ undertaken during the design of the Moroney Street upgrade (3 Stages).

For updates on the progress of the project please see the News Feed tab below

If you would like to search for other past, current or future projects in your town, simply type your town name in the search bar.

We are improving the road and drainage infrastructure in Moroney Street, Bairnsdale.

The overall objective is to upgrade Moroney Street with a consistent seal width, new underground drainage, kerb and channel, footpath installation as required, parking lanes, tree planting and upgrades to all intersections to improve road safety.

This project involves upgrading the whole of Moroney Street and will be completed in three stages.

There is no cost to residents or property owners for this project.

Stage 1 – Dawson Street to McKean Street - completed

Stage 2 - McKean Street to Birchwood Court - completed

Stage 3 – Birchwood Court to Riley Street - commenced

From Monday 28 August 2023 the intersection of Moroney Street and Taylor Street, Bairnsdale saw significant changes.

Taylor Street traffic no longer has right of way, with give-way line marking installed for traffic direction.

Moroney Street will have the right of way.

Appropriate signage, including ‘Changed Traffic Conditions’ regulatory signage will be installed in the coming days.

As well as Line Marking and Signage, the Taylor Street intersections approaches have two x flat top road humps installed to pacify motorists’ approach to the intersection (like the McCulloch Street intersection).

These changes were recognised as appropriate measures through a ‘Road Safety Audit’ undertaken during the design of the Moroney Street upgrade (3 Stages).

For updates on the progress of the project please see the News Feed tab below

If you would like to search for other past, current or future projects in your town, simply type your town name in the search bar.

  • 28 June 2024

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    The intersection of Bredt and Moroney Streets in Bairnsdale will remain closed until Friday 5 July 2024

    Delays have been caused by wet weather and the need to relocate the gas service beneath the road pavement by a third party.

    It is important to note that the further delay is not caused by the contractor, and residents have been notified directly.

    Your patience is appreciated as we continue to achieve the best possible outcomes for our community.

  • 23 May 2024 - road closure extended to 14 June 2024

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    The intersection of Bredt Street and Moroney Street in Bairnsdale will be closed from Monday 6 May 2024 to Friday 14 June 2024.

    This temporary closure is required to ensure public safety is maintained and will help expediate the works. This extension period to the current temporary closure is required to ensure public safety and protect existing services during the construction of a new roundabout.

    We apologise for any inconvenience which may be caused while we undertake these important road safety improvements. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Project Supervisor on 03 5153 9500.

  • 15 May 2024

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    Construction of Stage 3a is well under way.

    Variable Message Signs and are being used to advise construction updates; these messages are continually updated to reflect current works and closures in place.

    Please follow traffic management directions from the contractor to ensure safety for all.

  • Road Closure Notification

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    The Bredt Street and Moroney Street intersection will be temporarily closed from 6 May and reopening 31 May 2024 while the construction of a new roundabout is completed.

    Advisory signage, such as detour signs, will be installed to advise motorists of the upcoming extended disruption in the area. Temporary centre island crossovers will also be installed at the end of Bredt Street to allow for local traffic and service vehicle movement.

    Visitors to the area are asked to observe construction signage and any directions from the contractor during the works. East Gippsland Shire Council apologises for any inconvenience that may be caused.

    Drainage works between Birchwood Court and Bredt Street are currently underway. The Moroney Street bus stop and new footpath connections between Bredt Street and Combay Street will follow.

  • Project Update - 15 February 2024

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    Design for Moroney Street 3B (Bredt Street to Riley Street) is nearing completion.

    Once the completed designs have been reviewed by council, tender for construction will be release. Further updates will be provided once the review process has been completed.

    Please feel free to share this update with your local network and choose to follow this project on YourSay to receive important information regarding this project directly to your inbox.

  • Project Update - 3 January 2024

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    Moroney Street - stage 3B - the section of Moroney Street between Bredt Street to Riley Street is in the final stage of design and is anticipated to go out for tender shortly.

    Stage 3B includes the following activities:

    • Construction of new kerb and channel
    • Installation of new underground drainage pits and pipes
    • Installation of new footpaths and pram crossings
    • Installation of new line marking and signage
    • Construction of new parking lanes
    • Upgrades to the intersections
    • New road seal and wearing course.
  • Project Update - 21 December 2023

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    The contract for construction of Moroney Street stage-3A was awarded at the 28 November Council meeting.

    The contractor Whelans Group Investments Pty Ltd is scheduled to take possession of site on 22 January 2024 to commence site survey and set out.

    We anticipate construction to commence the following week on 29 January 2024.

  • Project Update - 09 November 2023

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    Works on stage 2 are almost complete, the tender for stage 3A has now closed and is currently being reviewed by Council.

    Tender documents for stage 3B are near completion and will be tendered shortly.

  • Project Update - 13 October 2023

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    Council's contractor, Cranes Civil and Surfacing is currently working on the Morgan Street bus stop intersection. The bus stop hardstand has been demolished; a new bus stop will be installed using the existing bus shelter and a new hardstand poured to meet DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) requirements.

    New roadside kerb has been poured and the nature strips and disturbed areas will be corrected and reseeded with grass.

    The contract to award Stage 3 construction works is scheduled to be presented at the 28 November Council Meeting.

  • Notice of temporary road closure on Friday 25 August 2023

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    FRIDAY 25 August 2023 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    Intersection of Moroney Street and Taylor Street, Bairnsdale

    The intersection of Moroney Street and Taylor Street, Bairnsdale, will be closed on Friday 25 August 2023 between the hours of 7.00 am to 5.00 pm, in order to undertake asphalting and line marking works. The contractor has advised property access will be maintained for local residents.

    Visitors to the area are asked to observe the construction site signage and any directions from the contractor including following traffic management direction in the precinct during the works.

Page last updated: 25 Jul 2024, 05:50 PM