Bairnsdale - Eastwood Playspace

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About the project

In 2017, a masterplan for a new play space was developed by Landscape Architects. The draft Playground Strategy recommended that diverse play areas are required throughout East Gippsland, and although Eastwood has plentiful open space, there is currently a deficiency of activity areas which cater to the growing population of families with young children, multi-generational ages and abilities.

The area for the play space is adjacent to Eastwood Shopping Centre and Lucknow Primary School, with an active pre-school and new kindergarten located nearby.

Objectives and scope

The objective of the project was to deliver the much-needed added amenity to the residents of Eastwood and greater Bairnsdale, by providing a community space for the residents of Eastwood to socialise - with picnic facilities, shelter, barbecues, an all-abilities play space, and an accessible toilet block.

Consultation and community engagement

Feedback on the concept plan was collated under key themes and has informed the final design. The responses are under Documents - Community Feedback to the right of screen.


  • Civil works awarded to contractors. Construction program to be finalised once the contract has been awarded. Consultation with the school to ensure minimising disruption as much as possible.

  • Play items and landscaping to follow. This work will be undertaken by Council’s in-house crew. Installation schedule to be finalised once the civil works has been completed.


Funding for this project is provided by the Australian Government through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program [Phase 3].

About the project

In 2017, a masterplan for a new play space was developed by Landscape Architects. The draft Playground Strategy recommended that diverse play areas are required throughout East Gippsland, and although Eastwood has plentiful open space, there is currently a deficiency of activity areas which cater to the growing population of families with young children, multi-generational ages and abilities.

The area for the play space is adjacent to Eastwood Shopping Centre and Lucknow Primary School, with an active pre-school and new kindergarten located nearby.

Objectives and scope

The objective of the project was to deliver the much-needed added amenity to the residents of Eastwood and greater Bairnsdale, by providing a community space for the residents of Eastwood to socialise - with picnic facilities, shelter, barbecues, an all-abilities play space, and an accessible toilet block.

Consultation and community engagement

Feedback on the concept plan was collated under key themes and has informed the final design. The responses are under Documents - Community Feedback to the right of screen.


  • Civil works awarded to contractors. Construction program to be finalised once the contract has been awarded. Consultation with the school to ensure minimising disruption as much as possible.

  • Play items and landscaping to follow. This work will be undertaken by Council’s in-house crew. Installation schedule to be finalised once the civil works has been completed.


Funding for this project is provided by the Australian Government through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program [Phase 3].

  • Project update - 3 April 2023

    Share Project update - 3 April 2023 on Facebook Share Project update - 3 April 2023 on Twitter Share Project update - 3 April 2023 on Linkedin Email Project update - 3 April 2023 link
    • Civil works to be awarded to contractors in the coming months. Construction program to be finalised once the contract has been awarded. Consultation with the school to ensure minimising disruption as much as possible.
    • Play items and landscaping to follow. This work will be undertaken by the Council’s in-house crew. Installation schedule to be finalised once the civil works has been completed.
Page last updated: 16 Jul 2024, 02:16 PM