Mallacoota - Streetscape Upgrade

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About the Project

Mallacoota’s Maurice Avenue, in the town centre, is getting a major makeover. Council is upgrading the streetscape of Mallacoota to improve the functionality, aesthetics and operation of Maurice Avenue as identified in the Mallacoota Structure Plan 2007 and Masterplan. It is also being upgraded as identified by the Mallacoota and District Recovery Association (MADRA) in order to play a key role in the Disaster Recovery Plan and contribute majorly to commercial and tourist activities.

In early 2021 a Project Control Group (PCG), made up of East Gippsland Shire Council (EGSC), Mallacoota and District Recovery Association (MADRA) and Mallacoota and District Business and Tourism Association (MADBATA) was formed to take carriage of this important project. The PCG is comprised of representatives from key stakeholder groups in Mallacoota. The Project Reference Group has a representative from each of the following organisations/interest groups:

• East Gippsland Shire Council

• Mallacoota and District Recovery Association

• Mallacoota and District Business and Tourism Association

• Traditional owners

• Friends of Mallacoota

• Young families

• Arts community

• Senior community

• Vision and mobility impaired

• Youth

• Halls & Rec Committee


The start date of the construction is yet to be determined. Council will endeavour to avoid holiday season as much as it is practical. We will work closely with businesses and the appointed contractors to ensure any impact to business is kept to a minimum.

The budget for this project is being provided through contributions from the Australian Government's Regional Recovery Program and East Gippsland Shire Council’s capital works budget 2021/22.

About the Project

Mallacoota’s Maurice Avenue, in the town centre, is getting a major makeover. Council is upgrading the streetscape of Mallacoota to improve the functionality, aesthetics and operation of Maurice Avenue as identified in the Mallacoota Structure Plan 2007 and Masterplan. It is also being upgraded as identified by the Mallacoota and District Recovery Association (MADRA) in order to play a key role in the Disaster Recovery Plan and contribute majorly to commercial and tourist activities.

In early 2021 a Project Control Group (PCG), made up of East Gippsland Shire Council (EGSC), Mallacoota and District Recovery Association (MADRA) and Mallacoota and District Business and Tourism Association (MADBATA) was formed to take carriage of this important project. The PCG is comprised of representatives from key stakeholder groups in Mallacoota. The Project Reference Group has a representative from each of the following organisations/interest groups:

• East Gippsland Shire Council

• Mallacoota and District Recovery Association

• Mallacoota and District Business and Tourism Association

• Traditional owners

• Friends of Mallacoota

• Young families

• Arts community

• Senior community

• Vision and mobility impaired

• Youth

• Halls & Rec Committee


The start date of the construction is yet to be determined. Council will endeavour to avoid holiday season as much as it is practical. We will work closely with businesses and the appointed contractors to ensure any impact to business is kept to a minimum.

The budget for this project is being provided through contributions from the Australian Government's Regional Recovery Program and East Gippsland Shire Council’s capital works budget 2021/22.

  • 16 July 2024

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    Mallacoota’s Maurice Avenue upgrades have commenced!

    Upgrades to Mallacoota’s Maurice Avenue have commenced, with Whelans Group Investments Pty Ltd (Whelans) moving to site this week to begin preliminary works.

    The project encompasses a range of enhancements, including formalised car parking and road-calming measures to provide a safer and more appealing environment for residents and visitors alike.

    Community feedback was instrumental in shaping the design, reflecting our collaborative approach to prioritising the needs and preferences of our local communities.

    Some changes were made to the concept design following additional work with the project reference group, including:

    • incorporating the rotunda, mosaics, commemorative bricks, and mature trees into the design.
    • modifying the bus stop kerb to improve safety and access.
    • ensuring footpaths are accessible, adding dedicated parking bays, and extending the native garden beds.

    We are committed to delivering these enhancements to the Mallacoota Streetscape in a timely and efficient manner, ensuring a significant improvement to the area's infrastructure and overall appeal before the 2024 Christmas holiday season.

    Construction will be staged to minimise the impact on local traders and visitors to the area.

    Access to shops will remain available, however minor delays are anticipated. Your understanding is appreciated as we work to achieve the best possible outcomes for our community.

    For everyone’s safety, visitors to the area are asked to observe construction signage and all directions from Whelans' crew during the works.

    Regular updates will be provided directly to local traders, and to community through project updates on YourSay. Further enquiries can be directed to the Project Supervisor on 03 5153 9500.

  • 28 June 2024

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    The heart of Mallacoota is set to get a major makeover, with East Gippsland Shire Council kicking off its much-anticipated Mallacoota streetscape upgrade project, which will bring a fresh look and improved functionality to Maurice Avenue.

    "The upgrades encompass a range of infrastructure enhancements aimed at improving both functionality and aesthetics," Mayor Cr Tom Crook said.

    "We have been working with locals on the project for three years and are eager to work with our local contractor, Whelans Group Investments, which will be rolling out the improvements."

    This project, informed by the MADRA (Mallacoota and District Recovery Association) Recovery Plan, has been led by a dedicated Project Reference Group and boasts representation from key stakeholders including the Mallacoota and District Business and Tourism Association, MADRA, Friends of Mallacoota, Traditional Custodians, and other community groups.

    The project will include raised pedestrian crossings, road-calming measures, and a host of features designed to enhance safety and aesthetic appeal of the area. Features include:

    • Updated car parking facilities including disabled parking spaces
    • New pavements and connecting pathways
    • Bike racks
    • New kerb and channel
    • Street furniture
    • Trees, native shrubs, and groundcover

    "We’re committed to delivering these enhancements in a timely manner, ensuring a significant improvement to the area's infrastructure and overall appeal," Cr Crook said. " Council is dedicated to cultivating a vibrant, inclusive, and resilient community. Our goal with this project is to foster sustainable growth and development, creating an environment where our communities can thrive for generations to come."

    Funding for this project is provided by the Australian Government through the Community Development Grants Program, in conjunction with Council.

    Construction details and timing will be shared on Council’s YourSay page.

    Local traders will be informed of the construction program before works commence and will be kept updated throughout the project's delivery.

    To view the design

    Following feedback, the following changes were made to the concept design:

    • the existing rotunda will remain in place
    • disabled car spots in the centre carpark
    • bus parking: the kerb was modified to improve safety and access to the bus stop

    Note: While every attempt will be made to follow the detailed design, final outcomes may vary slightly due to external influences on construction and site conditions. Your understanding is appreciated.

    View this media release online: Community-led Mallacoota makeover set to begin (

  • 30 May 2024

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    The contract for construction of the Mallacoota Streetscape upgrade was awarded to Whelans Group Investments Pty Ltd (Whelans) at the 21 May 2024 Council meeting.

    We anticipate providing further programming details for construction as they become available, and we are eager to collaborate once again with Whelans on this project.

    This project encompasses a comprehensive range of infrastructure enhancements aimed at improving both functionality and aesthetics, including the implementation of car parking solutions and integration of road calming measures to ensure smoother and safer traffic operations.

    Additional project features include:

    • exposed aggregate pavements and connecting pathways
    • raised pedestrian crossings
    • disabled parking spaces
    • all-new street furniture
    • bike racks
    • street trees and landscaping

    We are committed to delivering these enhancements to the Mallacoota Streetscape in a timely and efficient manner, ensuring a significant improvement to the area's infrastructure and overall appeal.

    Shop owners will be informed of the construction program before works commence and updated throughout the project's delivery.

    Regular updates will be provided directly to local traders, and to the community through project updates on YourSay.

  • Project Update - 21 February 2024

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    Tender for construction is now closed.

    Tender submissions are under review. Further updates will be provided once the tender evaluation process has been completed.

  • Project Update - 22 December 2023

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    Tender for construction is now open and will close on 21 February 2024.

    To express interest visit:

  • Project Update - 30 August 2023

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    The detailed design is in the final stages and will shortly be complete. The next stage of this project is to advertise the tender for the construction works and this is scheduled prior to Christmas. Construction works will commence after Easter 2024, to avoid the busy tourist season. We will advise exact construction dates, once they are available

  • Project Update - 30 May 2023

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    supporting image

    Detail Design layout is now available - click here. Alternatively, hard copies of the plan are available at the Mallacoota Service Centre - 70 Maurice Avenue, Mallacoota. Hours: Monday and Tuesday - 10.00 am to 2.00 pm and Wednesday to Friday - 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm

    Council has been meeting regularly with the Project Reference Group and the appointed design consultant to finalise the detail design layout and assist with design details such as paving types and colours, mosaic tile management, safety concerns, landscaping, and other elements identified in the concept masterplan.

    Tender for construction to be released following completion of the detailed plans. We anticipate construction to commence early in 2024. Construction dates will be advised when available.

  • Project Update 30/03/2023

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    Over the past two months Council has been working closely with Fraser Design Collaborative (Landscape Architects) to prepare detail design documentation that will allow the project to be tendered for construction. These works will revitalise the streetscape providing improved walkability, accessibility and amenity for pedestrians with renewed street furniture and streetscape planting. The local Project Reference Group, made up of representatives from the local community have been meeting regularly with Council and the design consultants to review the detailed plan development and ensure the community is kept updated on the progress of the streetscape project.

  • Project Update 14/02/2023

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    Council acknowledges the tireless efforts of the local Mallacoota community and key stakeholders in their efforts to date to progress the main street precinct masterplan to the next important stage. Council is pleased to announce that consultants Fraser Design Collaborative have been awarded the contract for the detailed design development of the concept masterplan that will allow the revitalisation of the Mallacoota Streetscape project to progress to the construction stage.

    This is an exciting milestone for the project and with this announcement we are moving closer towards construction. An important part of the detailed design development phase is to work closely with the key stakeholders, which includes a local Project Reference Group made up of local community members, to develop a construction staging approach and timetable that allows continuing access by the public, maintains business operations, and manages the impacts from construction activities.

    On completion of the detail design program Council will engage contractors to coordinate the construction of the works, working carefully with the local community and businesses to balance the intricacies of maintaining a safe construction site whilst ensuring the continued need for access to the main street precinct by the community.

    Council anticipates works will commence later this year once the detailed designs are completed and a detailed works program is developed.

  • Consultation update

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    Community Consultation was conducted by Council with the Mallacoota Community in June where valuable feedback was received which will shape the way Maurice Avenue, Mallacoota will look, work and feel in the future.

    Council also received online and written responses from the community, especially after direct contact from businesses and people attending the community consultation sessions held at the Maurice Avenue Rotunda. These pop up sessions were also attended by the local Project Reference Group, all members of the Mallacoota community.

    Summary of feedback received on the concept masterplan as presented was as follows:

    - The need ability to enter and exit central carpark mid-way

    - The three pedestrian crossing points are a good inclusion as presented

    - Increase parking numbers back to current

    - No need for surface upgrade in central carpark

    - Focus new footpath treatment at top end of street

    - Retain gathering area near roundabout and entry garden as presented

    The results gathered from the community feedback enabled the local Project Reference Group members, in partnership with Council, to make appropriate changes to the concept masterplan ready to proceed to the next stage. These changes can be seen in the MID-LEVEL MASTERPLAN document in the documents section of this page.

    The project is currently out to tender for an appropriate designer to undertake the final plan documentation suitable for construction.

Page last updated: 24 Jul 2024, 05:00 PM