Buchan - Main Street and Linkages Project

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About the Project

The Buchan Main Street and Linkages Project will boost the tourist economy by improving access to Buchan’s town centre and enhancing its appeal to encourage people to stop, stay, and spend. It will also increase accessibility for the local community to move around town more safely and instinctively.

Council secured funding for this project from the Victorian Government's Local Economic Recovery Program which is jointly funded by the Australian and Victorian Governments. This funding can explore improvements and refurbishments such as:

  • Reconfiguring the service roads
  • Optimising car parking
  • Increasing visual appeal of the streetscape
  • Landscaping and improved street furniture

A shared path link to the Buchan Caves campground will be introduced to facilitate tourist movement between the popular tourist destination and the town proper, to encourage campers and glampers to walk or cycle to town and spend.

Social and business infrastructure will be designed to leverage the main street and linkage pathways investment and provide existing and new businesses a ‘wrap-around’ service which may include training for key skills, new events and enterprise facilitation services.

This project will be undertaken in two parts:

  1. Buchan Caves Reserve Linkage
  2. Buchan Streetscape Refurbishment

The attached fact sheet will provide more information about the project, including the possible inclusions and improvements to be made. Fact sheets will be produced on a regular basis throughout the duration of the project to keep you and your community members informed about the progress of the project. To stay up to date with the project you can subscribe to project updates in the right-hand column.

Please click on the News Feed tab below for regular updates. Information will be updated regularly as it becomes available, if you would like to stay up to date, please subscribe.

Information last updated by Project Development Officer on 24 October 2022

About the Project

The Buchan Main Street and Linkages Project will boost the tourist economy by improving access to Buchan’s town centre and enhancing its appeal to encourage people to stop, stay, and spend. It will also increase accessibility for the local community to move around town more safely and instinctively.

Council secured funding for this project from the Victorian Government's Local Economic Recovery Program which is jointly funded by the Australian and Victorian Governments. This funding can explore improvements and refurbishments such as:

  • Reconfiguring the service roads
  • Optimising car parking
  • Increasing visual appeal of the streetscape
  • Landscaping and improved street furniture

A shared path link to the Buchan Caves campground will be introduced to facilitate tourist movement between the popular tourist destination and the town proper, to encourage campers and glampers to walk or cycle to town and spend.

Social and business infrastructure will be designed to leverage the main street and linkage pathways investment and provide existing and new businesses a ‘wrap-around’ service which may include training for key skills, new events and enterprise facilitation services.

This project will be undertaken in two parts:

  1. Buchan Caves Reserve Linkage
  2. Buchan Streetscape Refurbishment

The attached fact sheet will provide more information about the project, including the possible inclusions and improvements to be made. Fact sheets will be produced on a regular basis throughout the duration of the project to keep you and your community members informed about the progress of the project. To stay up to date with the project you can subscribe to project updates in the right-hand column.

Please click on the News Feed tab below for regular updates. Information will be updated regularly as it becomes available, if you would like to stay up to date, please subscribe.

Information last updated by Project Development Officer on 24 October 2022

  • 26 June 2024

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    Due to recent weather conditions and some adjustments to the design based on valuable feedback from our community, we have encountered a slight delay in completion.

    Following discussions with community members, we have made minor design changes to ensure the final results align with everyone's expectations and needs.

    Notably, we will maintain angle parking in front of the pub and down to the general store as requested by local business owners.

    Our contractor, Fulton Hogan Industries P/L, anticipate completing the project towards the end of July 2024.

    We understand that delays can be frustrating, and we sincerely appreciate your patience as we continue to collaborate closely with the community to achieve the best possible outcomes for all involved.

    Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding.

  • 8 May 2024

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    Construction is progressing on the south side of Main Street.

    The contractor is currently establishing footpath connections between the shops and the toilet block, as well as continuing with road pavement construction. Works on the south side are expected to be completed in the coming weeks, with line marking, street furniture and signage installed.

    Works will be undertaken on the north side of Main Street, including drainage upgrades, kerb replacement and an asphalt overlay to Shire managed service roads.

    A landscaping and tree replacement program will follow shortly after the civil works are completed and will be undertaken by Council’s in-house team.

    Council anticipates construction to be finalised by the end of June 2024 and will keep the community updated throughout the process.

    Additional photos are available in the Photos tab: Photos - Buchan Main Street and Linkages Project

    We welcome your continued interest in this project. Please feel free to share this update with your local network and choose to follow this project on YourSay to receive important information regarding this project directly to your inbox.

  • 4 April 2024

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    Works are progressing well.

    Construction of the court and footpath connections along the south side of Main Street are well underway.

    Works surrounding the toilet block are underway, which involve additional drainage enhancements, footpaths, and landscaping. The relocation of the BBQ and the replacement of current street furniture are expected to occur in the upcoming weeks.

    The installation of the electric vehicle charger proposed for the site is also anticipated to commence shortly and should be operational by June 2024

  • Project Update - 21 December 2023

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    Our Contractor Fulton Hogan Industries Pty Ltd has made some real progress onsite, with a large section of the work nearly complete on the south side between the John Flynn Reserve and the Willows Café.

    Drainage improvements are ongoing throughout the site, which will allow for related landscaping and tree planting to commence in the new year.

    Works are scheduled to be completed by early May 2024.

  • Project Update - 8 December 2023

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    Buchan Streetscape Redevelopment

    Fulton Hogan Industries Pty Ltd have commenced works onsite along the south side Service Road, from the John Flynn Reserve through to Willows Café.

    Following a short Christmas holiday shut down period, works will continue through the New Year along this section of the service road to the public toilets (from 29 January 2024).

    This exciting Project for the Buchan Community will see not only the existing drainage infrastructure upgraded or replaced, but the overall amenity of the Buchan township improved for residents, businesses, and visitors to the area.

    Buchan Linkages Project

    The newly constructed Buchan Linkages Project has experienced its first flood event and has held up well. The river flat area, between the Main Road Bridge and the Caves House on Caves Road is currently having silt and debris removed by Parks Victoria staff to allow for the walking path to be re-opened. The lighting bollards certainly provided a spectacle for those who witnessed the weekend flooding event.

    Further photos have been added to the photos section.

  • Project Update - 10 October 2023

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    The contract for the Buchan Main Street and Linkages project civil works was awarded at the 5 September Council meeting to Fulton Hogan Industries Pty Ltd. The contractors anticipate mobilisation to site in November 2023 for the commencement of construction.

    We are mindful of community activity and visitor movements leading into the peak tourist season and will make every effort to minimise the potential impact of the works within the township.

    Dates will be advised when available.

  • Project Update - 10 August 2023

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    The Buchan Streetscape project is progressing towards construction. An updated layout plan is available to be viewed in the documents sections (or click on the green link above).

    Minor adjustments to the final design have been necessary to align with available budget, these changes will not impact the general delivery of the streetscape project.

    The key outcomes that will be delivered are:

    • Car parking will be increased within the town.
    • Both service roads will remain two-way.
    • The area near the existing playground and toilet block will be formalised and activated as shown in the previous design.
    • Additional carparking will be implemented near the playground and the adjacent the CFA Shed.
    • Additional carparking will be implemented adjacent the Hall.
    • Roads will be re-sealed and line marked. This will improve vehicle and pedestrian safety
    • Long Vehicle carparking will be created and sign posted.
    • Pram crossings will be realigned to provide safer crossing points.
    • Street furniture will be upgraded, and additional tables installed, where appropriate.
    • Additional tree plantings and gardens will be installed.

    Commencement of construction is to be confirmed once a contractor has been engaged to undertake the works.

    Council will be in contact with property owners that may be impacted by the works.

  • Project Update 23 May 2023

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    There has been a slight delay in the proposed asphalt works for this week due to weather.

    We expect the works to be completed early next week (weather dependent).

  • Project Update - 18 May 2023

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    supporting image

    The Buchan Linkages Project is nearing completion, with the newly constructed footpath link between the township and Buchan Caves Reserve now open for public use.

    There will be some further asphalt works undertaken in the coming week to the John Flynn Reserve driveway and carpark area, along with the installation of safety improvements to the Caves Road Reserve. These safety improvements include updating of existing signage and the installation of four ‘raised pavement’ speed humps to ensure vehicle speed limits can be managed along the Caves Road Reserve.

    Community response has been great, with regular walkers already enjoying the morning or evening stroll, with dry feet. The installation of the solar lighting looks great and compliments the pleasant location for locals and visitors to the area.

  • Project Update - 17 May 2023

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    supporting image

    The Buchan Main Street detail design has now been completed. Copies of the detail designs can be found in the Documents section.

    The construction tender will be released to the public this week and will close in 4 weeks.

Page last updated: 16 Jul 2024, 02:05 PM