Paynesville - Slip Road Maritime Precinct

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The upgrade of Paynesville's Slip Road Maritime Precinct originated from Council’s adoption of the Paynesville Maritime Precinct Masterplan and has been undertaken to bring significant benefits to the local economy and enhance Paynesville as a year-round destination for visitors, residents, and businesses alike.

Construction commenced in January 2022 with Carter Marine Group starting onsite piling works and offsite fabrication of precast elements for the services jetty. Works were later delayed due to a review of the project’s detailed design following the discovery of unforeseen lakebed conditions.

Carter Marine Group temporarily demobilised from the project site to work on another project in the Lakes Entrance area, and Council engaged an independent contractor to carry out further offshore geotechnical works which were used to update and improve the detailed design.

The new design will ensure the upgrade of the Slip Road Maritime Precinct is structurally secure and better caters to surrounding marine businesses and overflow tourism activities. These improvements are designed to have a lifespan of around 50 years.

Carter Marine was awarded a varied contract for construction of the seawall, jetties and boardwalk. A tender for construction of the carpark and landscaping will be advertised later this year following the finalisation of the marine based work by Carter Marine.

Once remobilised, Carter Marine Group construct the seawalls, services, jetty, and ramp. We appreciate Carter Marine’s cooperation and understanding throughout this process.

The planning and design of the carpark construction is progressing. A Project Reference Group (PRG) will guide this stage of the project and inform the development of the detailed design.

Both the Victorian and Federal governments have recognised the significance of this project by providing significant funding, and we acknowledge their understanding and support for this re-design work.

Objective and Scope

Revitalisation of the Slip Road Maritime Precinct will include -

  • construction of new seawall and jetties
  • new boat ramp
  • Carparking upgrade
  • boardwalks
  • pathways
  • landscaping and art installation
  • amenity block upgrade (complete)


This project has attracted significant investment, with the Australian Government, Victorian Government, and East Gippsland Shire Council all providing grant funding.

The upgrade of Paynesville's Slip Road Maritime Precinct originated from Council’s adoption of the Paynesville Maritime Precinct Masterplan and has been undertaken to bring significant benefits to the local economy and enhance Paynesville as a year-round destination for visitors, residents, and businesses alike.

Construction commenced in January 2022 with Carter Marine Group starting onsite piling works and offsite fabrication of precast elements for the services jetty. Works were later delayed due to a review of the project’s detailed design following the discovery of unforeseen lakebed conditions.

Carter Marine Group temporarily demobilised from the project site to work on another project in the Lakes Entrance area, and Council engaged an independent contractor to carry out further offshore geotechnical works which were used to update and improve the detailed design.

The new design will ensure the upgrade of the Slip Road Maritime Precinct is structurally secure and better caters to surrounding marine businesses and overflow tourism activities. These improvements are designed to have a lifespan of around 50 years.

Carter Marine was awarded a varied contract for construction of the seawall, jetties and boardwalk. A tender for construction of the carpark and landscaping will be advertised later this year following the finalisation of the marine based work by Carter Marine.

Once remobilised, Carter Marine Group construct the seawalls, services, jetty, and ramp. We appreciate Carter Marine’s cooperation and understanding throughout this process.

The planning and design of the carpark construction is progressing. A Project Reference Group (PRG) will guide this stage of the project and inform the development of the detailed design.

Both the Victorian and Federal governments have recognised the significance of this project by providing significant funding, and we acknowledge their understanding and support for this re-design work.

Objective and Scope

Revitalisation of the Slip Road Maritime Precinct will include -

  • construction of new seawall and jetties
  • new boat ramp
  • Carparking upgrade
  • boardwalks
  • pathways
  • landscaping and art installation
  • amenity block upgrade (complete)


This project has attracted significant investment, with the Australian Government, Victorian Government, and East Gippsland Shire Council all providing grant funding.

  • 28 May 2024

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    Representatives from our funding partners, the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry, and Regions, visited the site on Friday 24 May 2024 to check on the progress.

    Our officers shared insights on the design and layout, giving them a firsthand look at the project. They saw several of the 57 new seawall panels already poured, galvanised piles ready for installation, and the general layout of the site.

    We're pleased to have their continued interest and support in this shared project. A big thank you to our contractor, Carter Marine Group, for their hard work and dedication in bringing the Slip Road Maritime Precinct project to life - their expertise and commitment has been invaluable in making this project a success.

    The next steps -

    • Panels to be installed between piles to form seawall
    • Backfill behind seawall in preparation for new carpark
    • Prefabrication of pontoons and service jetty to happen offsite

    PHOTO [from left to right]: Renee Wicks – Manager Infrastructure Projects East Gippsland Shire Council; Shayna Millar - Visitor Economy Project Delivery Coordinator - Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions; Sean Heinemann – Project Supervisor East Gippsland Shire Council; Katrina Cranwell - Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions; Nick George – Carter Marine Group – Principal Contractor; Johan Janse Van Rensburg – Project Engineer East Gippsland Shire Council.

  • 14 May 2024

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    Carter Marine are onsite.

    Several of the 57 concrete seawall panels have already been poured.

    All galvanised piles are now onsite and are ready to be driven in the coming weeks.

  • 21 February 2024 - works set to recommence

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    Construction is set to restart following a comprehensive design update to create a revitalised precinct for boaters that will include a new boat ramp, two pontoon jetties providing additional berthing, and a services jetty for minor works.

    East Gippsland Shire Council Mayor Cr Tom Crook welcomed completion of the new design and recommencement of works.

    “The new design is vital to the project’s overall success, and we acknowledge the delay and appreciate the community’s understanding and support for this re-design work,” Cr Crook said.

    Council’s engaged contractor, Carter Marine, has been awarded a varied contract for construction of the seawall, jetties and boardwalk. A tender for construction of the carpark and landscaping will be advertised later this year following the finalisation of the marine based work by Carter Marine.

    “We also thank Carter Marine for their patience,” Cr Crook said. “The updated design ensures that the waterfront structures it constructs will be safe, stable, and offer tangible benefits in terms of boating and the local economy for decades to come.”

    More information: Media Release | 21 February 2024

    We welcome your continued interest in this project; project updates will be provided on YourSay, when available. Please click on 'Subscribe' at the top of the page to follow this project and to receive important information directly to your inbox.

Page last updated: 16 Jul 2024, 01:43 PM