Paynesville - Dinni Birraark Walk

The improvement of the current condition of the Dinni Birraark Walk in Paynesville was identified by the Paynesville Landcare Coastcare group and adopted in the Paynesville Foreshore Management Plan.
Council is working with the Paynesville Landcare Coastcare Group to improve the walking trail over an approximate length of 400m from Sunset Cove westwards towards Jones Road, as part of the Dinni Birraark Walk. The area has been surveyed and is currently being investigated and assessed.
The aerial image shows the approximate trail location; the exact location will be determined during the detailed designed.
Objective and Scope
The objective of this project is to continue development towards a linking pathway between Paynesville and Newlands Arm as highlighted in the Paynesville Foreshore Management Plan.
- Improvement of approximately 400m of existing trail.
- Erosion mitigation where required.
Consultation and Community Engagement
Council is pleased to be supporting this community driven project, identified by the Paynesville Landcare Coastcare Group.
A Project Reference Group (PRG) has been established to help guide this project moving forward. The PRG consists of members representing Paynesville Landcare Coastcare, GLaWAC, and Council Officers. The PRG will provide a representative viewpoint on the design options and will be included in communications of detailed design.
Project updates will be provided in the tab below, and also in Council newsletters and social media, and available at the Paynesville Service Centre.
Funding for this project is provided by East Gippsland Shire Council in the adopted 2023/2024 budget and is allocated to works pertaining to the improvement of an approximate 400m of the existing pathway.
Further works to create a linking pathway between Paynesville and Newlands Arm, as highlighted in the Paynesville Foreshore Management Plan, is subject to the success of future funding applications.
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