Eagle Point - Foreshore Hub Development
The creation of a community and visitor foreshore hub for Eagle Point was a key project identified in the Eagle Point Structure Plan adopted by Council in 2019. The Eagle Point Foreshore Hub precinct was developed with the objective of creating a vibrant meeting point at the Eagle Point Foreshore, welcoming community and visitors alike.
Included in the project is a network of paths, landscaping, playground, formalised parking and a multipurpose facility, offering mixed-use community and commercial functions.
The drawings and images (in the Documents on the right) bring the concept to life, with these functions incorporated into the design:
- Indoor/outdoor events space for community and commercial use
- Caravan Park office and reception with convenience retail offering
- Café with commercial kitchen to facilitate events at the precinct (an Expression of Interest will be conducted to determine use of commercial area prior to project completion)
- Elevated outdoor deck and amphitheatre for events and casual outdoor seating
- Potential for water sports hire (an Expression of Interest will be conducted to determine use of commercial area prior to project completion)
- Toilet amenities available to the public and for events
Community consultation to date
Consultation with the Eagle Point community occurred in 2020 through online channels and in-person events where the opportunity was available to provide feedback on the concept plans.
This feedback showed support for the hub but did raise some concerns about the configuration of the relocated road and the impact of increased traffic on School Road. Council have reviewed the safety of the intersection and incorporated further safety improvements.
Further feedback was received that elements of the development were “inappropriate” to the Eagle Point area. The development of a community hub on the Eagle Point Foreshore is the result of two long-term plans for Eagle Point: The Eagle Point Structure Plan and the Eagle Point Marine and Coastal Management Plan. Both plans were developed with extensive community consultation, with the community indicating that the development of this hub was one of their highest priorities for Eagle Point. Care has been taken with the design to be as sympathetic to the Eagle Point area as possible while still providing a great facility for our community.
These documents can be found on Council's website via the following link: Community Plan: Paynesville and District (eastgippsland.vic.gov.au)
This project is funded by the Victorian Government’s Community Infrastructure Loans Scheme, Federal Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, and East Gippsland Shire Council.
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Eagle Point foreshore trail
Complementing the development of the Eagle Point Foreshore Hub, Council has undertaken design work for the upgrade and proposed further extension of the Eagle Point foreshore trail and is now seeking feedback on the draft concept design for the proposed pathway alignment.
To read more visit: Eagle Point - Foreshore Trail | Your Say East Gippsland