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Welcome to On-Street Parking!
We are pleased to announce the Cann River on-street parking is now complete and open to the public.

We have delivered:
- 45 new car parks, some of which can be utilised as long vehicle parking.
- road pavement reconstruction works to new design levels.
- replacement of curb and channel and associated road drainage including the replacement of drainage pits and pipes
- asphalt surfacing
- line marking
- new road signage
- provision of on-street car parking realised via the road improvement works.
- upgrades to the public toilets
- A minimum width of 2700mm has been provided for carparking, 300mm greater than the minimum standard of 2400mm.
The completion of these works has increased road user safety and has made it easier for residents and visitors to access local businesses.
The new road pavement and signage has enhanced the overall appearance and functionality of the area, with the additional streetscape infrastructure improving the towns amenity, encouraging visitors and travelers to ‘stop, stay and spend’.
We would like to thank contractors, Fulton Hogan.
This Project was funded by the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, and by East Gippsland Shire Council.
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The Cann River On-Street Parking Project is nearing completion
Council's contractor, Fulton Hogan Pty Ltd, is completing the final stages of the pedestrian links and preparing the road pavement for sealing and line marking. Works are on track to be completed in the coming two weeks.
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Works are progressing well. The contractor has commenced footpath works along Station and Central Street, and the final preparation for sealing.
The Baum Street works have commenced with new kerb installed and preparation of road pavement for sealing is underway.
The works are on schedule and expected to be completed during October 2023.
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New documents added to Your Say;
- Station Street and Central Street, Cann River - Road, drainage and carparking construction
- Baum Street, Cann River - Road and carpark construction
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Council has obtained funding from the Australian government, Department of Infrastructure Transport and Regional Development to upgrade Station, Central and Baum Streets in Cann River. The criteria of the funding limits the works to:
- road pavement reconstruction works to new design levels
- replacement of kerb and channel and associated road drainage including the replacement of drainage pits and pipes
- asphalt surfacing
- line marking
- new road signage
- provision of on-street car parking realised via the road improvement works
- replacement of footpaths adjacent to the pavement reconstruction activities
The new on street parking project will redevelop and improve road, drainage and car parking within the Cann River township. The proposal will see improvements to existing road infrastructure and drainage, with the development of on street carparking and adjacent footpath connections within the township. The proposed car parking upgrades will be made on Station Street, Central Street and Baum Street.
Concept plans and artists impressions can be found in the documents section of this page and in person at the Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre and the Cann River Community Centre.
Community Consultation
Council was pleased to be able to host consultation sessions on 12 May 2022 to discuss the proposed plans for the on-street parking works in Cann River and thanks all the members of the Cann River community who attended.
These sessions resulted in seven key consultation outcomes, Council have since finalised the detailed design for the project and have provided the consultation feedback and responses which you will find in the document section of this page and at this link Cann River on-street parking | Your Say East Gippsland .
Next Steps
Since finalising the detailed design, Council will proceed into procurement and delivery. Procurement will commence in December 2022, with contract award scheduled for February 2023 and construction to commence in March 2023.
Council welcomes any further queries or comments from the local community regarding the proposed works.