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Further updates will be provided on YourSay following the Council Election on 26 October 2024, and the questions/feedback tab will be reinstated.
From 12.00 noon Tuesday 17 September until 6.00 pm on Saturday 26 October (Election Day) we will be in the Local Government Election Period (also known as Caretaker Period).
During this time, we will limit our printed communications, website content, social media activity, and community consultations. The ability for people to comment on our social media content will also be disabled during the Election Period.
Each of these steps is to ensure our content does not affect voting in the election and is consistent with steps taken by other Victorian Councils and the Local Government Act 2020.
These changes are only temporary; we'll be back to normal communication activity after the election.
Share 14 May 2024 on Facebook
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Council's Works crew will be commencing construction of the footpaths at Bruthen toilet block on Wednesday 15 May 2024.The new footpaths around the toilet block will enhance accessibility and safety, making it easier for pedestrians to navigate the area.
This work will be completed in stages to ensure access to the toilets will remain available throughout delivery of the project, which is anticipated to take just a few weeks.
Upgrades to the existing toilet block will improve facilities for residents and visitors alike, ensuring better hygiene and convenience. Works will start as soon as we get an opportunity and will be completed by 30 June 2024. Plumbing supplies and internal partitions have already been ordered. We will start with the mens toilet, then progress with the other areas. We will ensure to keep disruptions to a minimum during this work.
We will also be sprucing up the rotunda with new paint and cleaning the lichen off the roof.
A new RV dump point has been ordered and will be installed in Lions Park to cater to the needs of travellers and tourists visiting Bruthen, enhancing the overall experience for RV users and encouraging more visitors to the area.
These improvements will contribute to a more welcoming and functional community space in Bruthen. So much is happening, and we look forward to completion as soon as possible.

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The stone wall seating is finished. The stone is locally sourced Bruthen Blue Sandstone. Native vegetation and well-designed landscaping will soften the rock and create an enjoyable space for all generations to enjoy.
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Progress - a new bus shelter and new picnic table settings and bike racks have been installed.
The service road has been completed.
Minor landscaping will be finalised in the coming weeks.
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Works on the new Bruthen Streetscape are progressing well and are on schedule to be completed by mid-2023.
Civil works completed to date:
- Construction of kerb and channel, together with the associated drainage works such as pits and pipes.
- Driveway construction.
- Bitumen asphalt work, with line marking to follow shortly.
- Bus shelter to be erected soon.
Council crews will soon commence construction on landscaping and toilet facilities.
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Bruthen Streetscape construction is continuing to take shape, with kerb, channel, and roadway being completed prior to Easter (weather dependant).
Construction of kerbing on the southern side of Main Street, and the outstand (for pedestrian crossing) on the Great Alpine Road northern side is continuing.
There are many photos showing the progression of construction works in the photos section of YourSay.
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Construction on the new Bruthen Streetscape project commenced on Monday 30 January 2023.
Council workers will be undertaking some of the works, for example, new gardens, and the replacement and installation of picnic benches. The works are limited to the west side of the Main Street for the moment. GLaWAC are working on a yarning circle design and will provide a design when completed.
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Council's Works Unit is currently working at replacing the existing picnic tables with new ones and installing additional DDA compliant tables within the western median area.
Council's Parks and Gardens Unit will commence construction on the new garden bed locations in the coming weeks. All works will be carried out in accordance with the landscaping plans which are provided in the documents section.
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The MOU with the Department of Transport is still to be finalised for this project. Road pavement works will now commence early 2023.
Council’s Parks and Garden Unit have removed the roses from the gardens beds and will remove the brick edging and the excess topsoil/mulch to make way for the rotunda relocation and civil works to begin.
Council’s maintenance crew will install the picnic table sets and construct the footpaths.
Street furniture has been ordered and will be transported to the Bruce Road depot in January 2023.
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Bruthen benefits from a town plan that uses the main street median as its ‘front garden’. A place of welcome, to refresh, to linger and enjoy.
Like Bairnsdale and Maffra, these gardens define and celebrate the character of the township . There is an opportunity in the re-planning of traffic circulation to improve the ease of pedestrian movement, acknowledge indigenous heritage and further enhance the very pleasing ambiance these gardens bestow upon Bruthen.
The next stage of the Bruthen Streetscape Project is to undertake engagement with the community on the proposed landscape designs. You will find these proposed plans in the Documents section on the right hand side of the page.
Consultants and Council Officers will be conducting a Pop Up session in Bruthen at the Rotunda on 1 May 2022 at 10.30 am to discuss landscape concepts and receive feedback from the community.
The Consultation period was open for 4 weeks commencing 22 April 2022. You will find a feedback section at the bottom of this page to provide further feedback and suggestions.