Metung - Tambo Bluff Trail concept plan [survey]
To help us make informed decisions, it is important to understand what the community likes, and where there might be concerns or challenges. Your participation in this survey is warmly welcomed, and all feedback will be considered when further planning this project.
Please take a moment to complete our short survey. We will be accepting feedback until midnight on Friday 3 May 2024.
If have any further comments/questions/feedback, please contact the Community Infrastructure Planner on 5153 9500, or email feedback@egipps.vic.gov.au
We encourage you to view the concept design before completing this survey.
To view the Concept Design - Click Here
Budget has been allocated to concept and detailed design works. Construction is subject to the success of future funding applications.
Completing this feedback form is voluntary. Participating in this opportunity indicates your acceptance of the information captured may be publicly displayed and analysed by authorised council employees and relevant third-party consultants. Feedback forms may capture identifying information, however any identifying information captured will not be used in presentation of feedback results.