Housing and Settlement Strategy

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UPDATE - 15 December 2023

Housing and Settlement Strategy adopted at 12 December 2023 Council Meeting

A revised draft Housing and Settlement Strategy was presented for consideration at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 12 December 2023; the strategy was endorsed with minor changes to respond to specific matters raised by community members in relation to recognising environment values.

Adopted Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy

Revised Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy - Summary of Changes

East Gippsland Shire Housing & Settlement Strategy: Background Paper

Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy: Engagement Report

An Engagement Report was prepared which details feedback received as part of the consultation period and Council’s response to those items (see Section 7 of the Engagement Report).

Copies of agendas and minutes for Council meetings can be found on Council’s website. Council Minutes and Agendas

Next steps for the Housing and Settlement Strategy

Outlined below are the next steps toward the implementation of the key recommendations of the Housing and Settlement Strategy into the East Gippsland Planning Scheme.

1. Preparation of Planning Scheme Amendment documentation

2. Seek Council Resolution for Ministerial Authorisation to exhibit the Planning Scheme Amendment

3. Seek Ministerial Authorisation for exhibition of draft Planning Scheme Amendment

4. Exhibit draft Planning Scheme Amendment for public feedback

5. Consideration of feedback by Independent Planning Panel, if required.

6. Recommendations from Independent Planning Panel considered by Council

7. Council seeks final approval from Minister for Planning


The revised Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy (HSS) will be presented at the 12 December 2023 Council Meeting for consideration.

The draft strategy underwent two rounds of consultation, with valuable community input shaping the document. Now that public feedback sessions have concluded, the revised document is available for community information before Council votes on the strategy.

The draft HSS establishes a land-use planning policy framework to guide the future development of settlements and the design of new housing across East Gippsland. The strategy aims to meet the evolving needs of our community, ensure high-risk locations area avoided, and foster a more sustainable housing system in the shire.

Mayor Cr Tom Crook has emphasised the need for a guiding document on housing and settlements.
"As we look ahead to accommodating 8,250 new dwellings by 2041, this strategy emphasises responsible growth, affordability and environmental stewardship. It’s about building a future that preserves our character and helps to ensure a home for everyone."

The draft HSS addresses challenges in equitable housing access by aiming to ensure diverse, affordable and sustainable housing options. The strategy supports infill development in established areas for efficient land use and discourages excessive reliance on greenfield land. It encourages diverse housing types and better provision for different needs and lifestyles.

While Council does not directly provide housing, the Housing and Settlement Strategy defines Council’s role in facilitating access to these diverse and affordable housing opportunities for the community.

The complete draft Housing and Settlement Strategy is available on Council’s website. If the proposal is supported by Council, the public will have a further opportunity to provide feedback for independent review during the formal Planning Scheme Amendment process.

Revised Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy - December 2023

Revised Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy - Summary of Changes

East Gippsland Shire Housing & Settlement Strategy: Background Paper

Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy: Engagement Report

UPDATE - 23 August 2023

We are continuing to review submissions and survey responses; these will be used to refine the draft Housing and Settlement Strategy.

A further update on the next steps for the draft Housing and Settlement Strategy will be provided in the coming months.

UPDATE - 02 June 2023

The purpose of the East Gippsland Housing and Settlement Strategy is to understand housing needs and guide future housing development in East Gippsland to 2041.

The Strategy aims to:

  • Provide greater certainty as to where people can expect to see new housing developed, the type of housing that is anticipated and outline options and opportunities.
  • Guide Council’s decision-making processes and inform further policy development and infrastructure investment.
  • Outline the preferred locations and type of new housing development, taking into account the availability of infrastructure and services to support population growth, environmental values and risks from natural hazards such as bushfire or flood.
  • Create a framework that supports development of affordable housing and a diversity of housing types to meet the needs of different people at different times in their lives.

Round 1 Consultation: Discussion Paper (Closed)

The draft Strategy was prepared based on feedback collected via 74 feedback forms and 21 written submissions responding to a Discussion Paper, released for comment between 16 November 2022 – 3 February 2023. An Engagement Report summarising the outcomes of the first round of consultation can be found in the ‘Documents’ section of this page or via this link HSS Discussion Paper - Engagement Report. A summary video is also available to view in the ‘Video’ section or via this link Draft HSS overview video.

Round 2 Consultation: Draft Strategy (Closed)

The second round of feedback regarding the Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy was open between 26 April - 27 May 2023. We are collating and analysing the feedback from 99 completed surveys, 132 attendees at nine interactive sessions held across East Gippsland and more than 15 written submissions.

Next Steps

The Round 2 consultation analysis process will identify improvements to the Strategy suggested by the community as it is finalised for presentation to Council, for adoption in late September 2023.


Photo credit - Elders Real Estate, Bairnsdale

UPDATE - 15 December 2023

Housing and Settlement Strategy adopted at 12 December 2023 Council Meeting

A revised draft Housing and Settlement Strategy was presented for consideration at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 12 December 2023; the strategy was endorsed with minor changes to respond to specific matters raised by community members in relation to recognising environment values.

Adopted Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy

Revised Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy - Summary of Changes

East Gippsland Shire Housing & Settlement Strategy: Background Paper

Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy: Engagement Report

An Engagement Report was prepared which details feedback received as part of the consultation period and Council’s response to those items (see Section 7 of the Engagement Report).

Copies of agendas and minutes for Council meetings can be found on Council’s website. Council Minutes and Agendas

Next steps for the Housing and Settlement Strategy

Outlined below are the next steps toward the implementation of the key recommendations of the Housing and Settlement Strategy into the East Gippsland Planning Scheme.

1. Preparation of Planning Scheme Amendment documentation

2. Seek Council Resolution for Ministerial Authorisation to exhibit the Planning Scheme Amendment

3. Seek Ministerial Authorisation for exhibition of draft Planning Scheme Amendment

4. Exhibit draft Planning Scheme Amendment for public feedback

5. Consideration of feedback by Independent Planning Panel, if required.

6. Recommendations from Independent Planning Panel considered by Council

7. Council seeks final approval from Minister for Planning


The revised Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy (HSS) will be presented at the 12 December 2023 Council Meeting for consideration.

The draft strategy underwent two rounds of consultation, with valuable community input shaping the document. Now that public feedback sessions have concluded, the revised document is available for community information before Council votes on the strategy.

The draft HSS establishes a land-use planning policy framework to guide the future development of settlements and the design of new housing across East Gippsland. The strategy aims to meet the evolving needs of our community, ensure high-risk locations area avoided, and foster a more sustainable housing system in the shire.

Mayor Cr Tom Crook has emphasised the need for a guiding document on housing and settlements.
"As we look ahead to accommodating 8,250 new dwellings by 2041, this strategy emphasises responsible growth, affordability and environmental stewardship. It’s about building a future that preserves our character and helps to ensure a home for everyone."

The draft HSS addresses challenges in equitable housing access by aiming to ensure diverse, affordable and sustainable housing options. The strategy supports infill development in established areas for efficient land use and discourages excessive reliance on greenfield land. It encourages diverse housing types and better provision for different needs and lifestyles.

While Council does not directly provide housing, the Housing and Settlement Strategy defines Council’s role in facilitating access to these diverse and affordable housing opportunities for the community.

The complete draft Housing and Settlement Strategy is available on Council’s website. If the proposal is supported by Council, the public will have a further opportunity to provide feedback for independent review during the formal Planning Scheme Amendment process.

Revised Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy - December 2023

Revised Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy - Summary of Changes

East Gippsland Shire Housing & Settlement Strategy: Background Paper

Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy: Engagement Report

UPDATE - 23 August 2023

We are continuing to review submissions and survey responses; these will be used to refine the draft Housing and Settlement Strategy.

A further update on the next steps for the draft Housing and Settlement Strategy will be provided in the coming months.

UPDATE - 02 June 2023

The purpose of the East Gippsland Housing and Settlement Strategy is to understand housing needs and guide future housing development in East Gippsland to 2041.

The Strategy aims to:

  • Provide greater certainty as to where people can expect to see new housing developed, the type of housing that is anticipated and outline options and opportunities.
  • Guide Council’s decision-making processes and inform further policy development and infrastructure investment.
  • Outline the preferred locations and type of new housing development, taking into account the availability of infrastructure and services to support population growth, environmental values and risks from natural hazards such as bushfire or flood.
  • Create a framework that supports development of affordable housing and a diversity of housing types to meet the needs of different people at different times in their lives.

Round 1 Consultation: Discussion Paper (Closed)

The draft Strategy was prepared based on feedback collected via 74 feedback forms and 21 written submissions responding to a Discussion Paper, released for comment between 16 November 2022 – 3 February 2023. An Engagement Report summarising the outcomes of the first round of consultation can be found in the ‘Documents’ section of this page or via this link HSS Discussion Paper - Engagement Report. A summary video is also available to view in the ‘Video’ section or via this link Draft HSS overview video.

Round 2 Consultation: Draft Strategy (Closed)

The second round of feedback regarding the Draft Housing and Settlement Strategy was open between 26 April - 27 May 2023. We are collating and analysing the feedback from 99 completed surveys, 132 attendees at nine interactive sessions held across East Gippsland and more than 15 written submissions.

Next Steps

The Round 2 consultation analysis process will identify improvements to the Strategy suggested by the community as it is finalised for presentation to Council, for adoption in late September 2023.


Photo credit - Elders Real Estate, Bairnsdale

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded. Council officers are now working through the feedback provided to inform the draft Housing and Settlement Strategy. Further public engagement on the draft strategy is currently planned to commence April/May 2023.
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Page last updated: 30 Jan 2024, 03:17 PM