Why is Council conducting a review of waste and recycling services?

    As the municipality continues to grow and changing regulations set by State Government take effect, the review of waste services is essential to assist Council in making informed decisions for the future.  

    What are the key objectives of the review?

    Objectives include establishing best value services in consultation with our community, supporting circular economy outcomes, responding to regulatory changes, diverting waste from landfill, and reducing environmental impacts.

    What does ‘circular economy’ mean?

    Circular Economy is a way of thinking about how we use resources. Instead of using things and throwing them away, a circular economy focuses on keeping resources in use for as long as possible and recovering products and materials.

    What waste and recycling services are currently provided by Council?

    Council provides extensive waste services including - kerbside bin collections, 16 transfer waste stations, 2 landfills, public litter bins, remote waste trailers and bins, along waste and recycling transport, logistics and education.  Services are provided to respond to the different needs of diverse communities across the Shire.

    How can I participate in the review process?

    From July-September 2024 a community survey will be available along with ‘pop ups stands’ and five focus group sessions across the Shire

    Where can I complete the survey?

    You can complete the survey online or pick up a hardcopy at a Council Library, Library Bus or Service Centre. Council officers will also be out and about from July-September 2024 at events and shopping strips where you can complete a survey.  LINK

    What happens after the review is completed?

    The findings will inform the development of a Transition Plan and financial model that will guide future waste and recycling services for the East Gippsland community.

    How will the review impact waste management and recycling services in my area?

    How and where changes to waste and recycling services might occur will be communicated and refined with those communities. Recommendations from the review will not be considered or by Council until early 2025, and progressively implemented from the following financial year 2025 – 2026.    

    Who can I contact for more information about the review?

    You can reach out to East Gippsland Shire Council's Waste Management team for more information or visit our website for updates on the review process.

    Call (03) 5153 9500 to speak to a Customer Service member, who will pass your query onto the Waste Management team if they cannot resolve it on the spot