Eagle Point - Foreshore Hub Development

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The creation of a community and visitor foreshore hub for Eagle Point was a key project identified in the Eagle Point Structure Plan adopted by Council in 2019. The Eagle Point Foreshore Hub precinct was developed with the objective of creating a vibrant meeting point at the Eagle Point Foreshore, welcoming community and visitors alike.

Included in the project is a network of paths, landscaping, playground, formalised parking and a multipurpose facility, offering mixed-use community and commercial functions.

The drawings and images (in the Documents on the right) bring the concept to life, with these functions incorporated into the design:

  • Indoor/outdoor events space for community and commercial use
  • Caravan Park office and reception with convenience retail offering
  • Café with commercial kitchen to facilitate events at the precinct (an Expression of Interest will be conducted to determine use of commercial area prior to project completion)
  • Elevated outdoor deck and amphitheatre for events and casual outdoor seating
  • Potential for water sports hire (an Expression of Interest will be conducted to determine use of commercial area prior to project completion)
  • Toilet amenities available to the public and for events

Community consultation to date

Consultation with the Eagle Point community occurred in 2020 through online channels and in-person events where the opportunity was available to provide feedback on the concept plans.

This feedback showed support for the hub but did raise some concerns about the configuration of the relocated road and the impact of increased traffic on School Road. Council have reviewed the safety of the intersection and incorporated further safety improvements.

Further feedback was received that elements of the development were “inappropriate” to the Eagle Point area. The development of a community hub on the Eagle Point Foreshore is the result of two long-term plans for Eagle Point: The Eagle Point Structure Plan and the Eagle Point Marine and Coastal Management Plan. Both plans were developed with extensive community consultation, with the community indicating that the development of this hub was one of their highest priorities for Eagle Point. Care has been taken with the design to be as sympathetic to the Eagle Point area as possible while still providing a great facility for our community.

These documents can be found on Council's website via the following link: Community Plan: Paynesville and District (eastgippsland.vic.gov.au)


This project is funded by the Victorian Government’s Community Infrastructure Loans Scheme, Federal Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, and East Gippsland Shire Council.

It is our intention is to keep community informed throughout the delivery phase of this project.

Project updates will be provided in the tab below. Please choose to follow this project on Your Say to receive important information directly to your inbox.

Should you wish to search for other projects in your town, simply type the town name in the search bar.

Eagle Point foreshore trail

Complementing the development of the Eagle Point Foreshore Hub, Council has undertaken design work for the upgrade and proposed further extension of the Eagle Point foreshore trail and is now seeking feedback on the draft concept design for the proposed pathway alignment.

To read more visit: Eagle Point - Foreshore Trail | Your Say East Gippsland

The creation of a community and visitor foreshore hub for Eagle Point was a key project identified in the Eagle Point Structure Plan adopted by Council in 2019. The Eagle Point Foreshore Hub precinct was developed with the objective of creating a vibrant meeting point at the Eagle Point Foreshore, welcoming community and visitors alike.

Included in the project is a network of paths, landscaping, playground, formalised parking and a multipurpose facility, offering mixed-use community and commercial functions.

The drawings and images (in the Documents on the right) bring the concept to life, with these functions incorporated into the design:

  • Indoor/outdoor events space for community and commercial use
  • Caravan Park office and reception with convenience retail offering
  • Café with commercial kitchen to facilitate events at the precinct (an Expression of Interest will be conducted to determine use of commercial area prior to project completion)
  • Elevated outdoor deck and amphitheatre for events and casual outdoor seating
  • Potential for water sports hire (an Expression of Interest will be conducted to determine use of commercial area prior to project completion)
  • Toilet amenities available to the public and for events

Community consultation to date

Consultation with the Eagle Point community occurred in 2020 through online channels and in-person events where the opportunity was available to provide feedback on the concept plans.

This feedback showed support for the hub but did raise some concerns about the configuration of the relocated road and the impact of increased traffic on School Road. Council have reviewed the safety of the intersection and incorporated further safety improvements.

Further feedback was received that elements of the development were “inappropriate” to the Eagle Point area. The development of a community hub on the Eagle Point Foreshore is the result of two long-term plans for Eagle Point: The Eagle Point Structure Plan and the Eagle Point Marine and Coastal Management Plan. Both plans were developed with extensive community consultation, with the community indicating that the development of this hub was one of their highest priorities for Eagle Point. Care has been taken with the design to be as sympathetic to the Eagle Point area as possible while still providing a great facility for our community.

These documents can be found on Council's website via the following link: Community Plan: Paynesville and District (eastgippsland.vic.gov.au)


This project is funded by the Victorian Government’s Community Infrastructure Loans Scheme, Federal Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, and East Gippsland Shire Council.

It is our intention is to keep community informed throughout the delivery phase of this project.

Project updates will be provided in the tab below. Please choose to follow this project on Your Say to receive important information directly to your inbox.

Should you wish to search for other projects in your town, simply type the town name in the search bar.

Eagle Point foreshore trail

Complementing the development of the Eagle Point Foreshore Hub, Council has undertaken design work for the upgrade and proposed further extension of the Eagle Point foreshore trail and is now seeking feedback on the draft concept design for the proposed pathway alignment.

To read more visit: Eagle Point - Foreshore Trail | Your Say East Gippsland

  • Hub closed 18-19 March 2025

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    The Eagle Point Foreshore Hub will be closed on Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 March 2025 for stage-2 of the power upgrade and preparation for the installation of new kitchen equipment (stage 3).

    If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on 5153 9500 or via email at feedback@egipps.vic.gov.au

    Thank you for your understanding.

  • 23 January 2025

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    Eagle Point Foreshore Hub Cafe and meeting rooms temporarily closed from 2 to 7 February 2025.

    The café kitchen area fit out was initially left open for a commercial operator to customise to their needs. Unfortunately, despite some initial interest, a lease agreement was not secured.

    To make the space more commercially attractive and functional for potential operators, we will be upgrading the kitchen facilities.

    The first stage of these works is scheduled for 2 to 7 February and will include relocation of the switchboard and cabinetry works. The Hub's café and meeting rooms will be temporarily unavailable whilst these works are being completed.

    We are optimistic that this investment will help secure a successful operator for the benefit of residents and visitors alike. Once the works are complete, the advertising process for an exciting commercial operator will recommence.

    We appreciate your support and patience as we work to bring this exciting commercial opportunity to fruition.

  • 12 December 2024

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    The cafe is set for an exciting transformation in the New Year!

    We’ve been hard at work behind the scenes to create a modern kitchen and counters that are perfect for the Hub Café.

    In February 2025, you can look forward to new cabinetry in the front of house. To optimise the kitchen area, contractors will be moving the switchboard and upgrading the power to make room for more equipment and an exhaust canopy.

    Here’s a little sneak preview of what’s in store!

    At the end of September, the Eagle Point Caravan Park was leased to a private operator who has opted not to continue using the office space or running the convenience store at this time. In the meantime, the Hub Café will be stocking essential items for both the community and visitors, such as fresh bread, milk, butter, and the local newspaper... don’t forget the bug spray and ice cream!

    The Hub Café will also be open longer over the peak season, starting at 7:30 am with a fresh new summer menu. Don’t miss out on the chance to grab a loyalty card for a free coffee on your 10th visit!

    If you’re looking to cater your meetings or events at the Eagle Point Foreshore Hub, reach out to Jody at the Café on 0400 675 907 to get it organised.

  • 22 April 2024 - please bear with us while we make some changes.

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    We are undertaking some improvements at the Eagle Point Foreshore Hub.

    Community feedback has highlighted the need for us to make some changes to the bleacher seating and railing to improve safety and usability for our community members.

    The bleacher seating will be unavailable while we complete this work, which is anticipated to be finalised in the coming weeks.

    For everyone's safety, temporary fencing has been installed and visitors to the area are asked to observe the construction signage and any directions from the contractor during these works.

  • Project Update - 31 January 2024

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    The community meeting rooms are now available for booking!

    To make a booking contact us on 5153 9500 or email feedback@egipps.vic.gov.au

    The development of the Eagle Point Foreshore Precinct has been undertaken through a number of different projects. The construction of the Eagle Point Foreshore Hub was completed in December 2023. An all-abilities pathway was also completed through a separate project within the Foreshore Precinct.

    We aren’t done yet!

    We recognise there is still some work to do, and thanks to feedback from our community we are working to rectify issues as they arise and are now considering some further works to enhance this great facility.

    Some of the garden beds still require planting because the timing of the Hub’s completion does not lend itself to planting now; we normally avoid planting in Summer due to heat and lower plant success rates. Plants will be selected to achieve a balance between greenery and to create a visually appealing landscape while minimising obstruction to views, addressing the community’s desire for aesthetics without compromising the scenic aspects.

    Planting will likely occur in Autumn to give the plants time to establish roots, prior to the summer heat. This will be subject to plant availability. If the weather is milder and wetter than expected, we will bring this timing forward.

    This area of the foreshore is now being used by a larger number of visitors and there have been several requests for pathway access connecting the Hub to the jetty since the completion of the new building. Access to the Eagle Point Jetty was outside the funded activities for the development of the Eagle Point Foreshore Hub civic works. Council is engaging with Gippsland Ports regarding this issue.

    Council is currently seeking expressions of interest for the long-term management and operation of the Hub’s café, which has been temporarily setup to serve the community over summer. Given the spectacular outlook and location in a growing active community, this is an exciting business opportunity in a new architectural building which connects the strong cultural history and unique lifestyle of the Eagle Point community. To express interest visit: Tenders (eastgippsland.vic.gov.au)

    The café space will be fitted-out for the new owner to walk in, apply their own personal touches and commence business. The friendly team from the Eagle Point Caravan Park are managing the café until a suitable tenant is contracted. Please feel free to bring your own keep cup as the friendly team will be happy to put your coffee in it. Once the new operator is established, they will use their own plates and cutlery in the café and may provide some shade through the use of café/market umbrellas on the deck when weather permits.

    Shade is provided throughout the Foreshore Precinct by the numerous established trees, the large pavilion, and the new building. The playground was designed by Enlocus Landscape Architects in line with community feedback which identified the desire for a natural playground to challenge young imaginations. The play area caters to the growing population of families with children of various ages and abilities.

    There is some play equipment which is designed to provide a slightly more challenging play experience for children who enjoy climbing and balancing, and there is also other equipment available which is appropriate for smaller children to use. Providing a playground for children of different ages and abilities promotes inclusivity and ensures that all kids can enjoy the play area.

    This beautiful new architectural building and community recreational space is already serving as a central hub for social activities, and events, promoting and fostering a sense of community.

    Further project updates will be provided on Your Say; an email will be distributed to those who have signed up to follow the project on Your Say when important information is available and key milestones are achieved.

    We welcome your continued interest in this project.

    YouTube - Eagle Point Foreshore Hub on 30 December 2023

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  • 30 December 2023

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    The Eagle Point Foreshore Hub played the perfect backdrop for the fun at the Eagle Point Foreshore Food Truck and Music Night along the foreshore at Eagle Point on 30 December 2023 from 5pm!

    🎤Mick Harrington provided the live tunes.

    🍩Food vans served some delicious food!

  • Australia Day Awards 2024

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  • Project Update - 11 December 2023

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    The heavy rainfall over the last few weeks did its best to delay works. But have no fear, completion of the Eagle Point Foreshore Hub is imminent!

    A set date for completion has not been scheduled at this time, but it is approaching fast as the team works hard to deliver this important project for the community.

    Our Eagle Point Caravan Park team are relocating into their new home at the Eagle Point Foreshore Hub next week. The park office will be closed on Monday 18 December 2023 while they relocate to their beautiful new space. We anticipate the Caravan Park office will open in the foreshore hub on Tuesday 19 December 2023, and they look forward to welcoming park visitors.

    There are some small things to be done and it is still a working site; the builder's fence will remain in place while they complete final touches, and our Caravan Park staff need to move in and set-up before the doors are opened.

    The café has temporarily been fitted out and our friendly Caravan Park team members will serve the community over summer. The new kitchen and café space will be positioned in the first quarter of 2024.

    This unique café space is available for long-term Lease. The café space will be fully fitted out for the new owner to walk in, apply their own personal touches and commence business.

    We look forward to welcoming our community very soon and request patience while we complete the final elements.

    Check out the photos - what a view!

  • Project Update - 16 October 2023

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    The new Eagle Point Foreshore Hub is looking fabulous!

    Hub Building

    • The roof cladding and capping are nearing completion.
    • All windows and doors are now installed.
    • Internal plastering works have begun.
    • The concrete stairs and paths on the North side have been laid.
    • The concrete base for the bleacher seating now placed.
    • Works are progressing on the concrete zig zag access ramp.
    • The external timber and steel wall cladding nearing completion.
    • The curved concrete seating at the front of the building has been installed.
    • Some internal oiling of the exposed timber rafters has taken place.

    Car park

    Initial line-marking of the new car park is complete.

    School Road

    Line marking and signage in School Road are complete.

    The Playground

    The playground has been designed by Enlocus Landscape Architects and will have swings, slides, and some play equipment to challenge young imaginations! Here are some concept images to give you an idea of what to expect -

  • Project Update - 12 September 2023

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    The new entry way coming together

    Glaziers installing the glass to the window frames

    Wall cladding being installed

    Roof cladding underway, window glass being installed and concrete works

    Wall cladding and roof cladding installed
    New raised pavement as part of road safety improvement works to School Road
Page last updated: 17 Mar 2025, 03:35 PM