What is the Community Vision?

    The Community Vision represents the community’s vision until 2040 including four key strategic themes identified by the community as critical to the future of East Gippsland.

    The Community Vision is more than just a document—it's a collective commitment to building a future that reflects the hopes and dreams of every East Gippsland resident. By joining us in this conversation, you're not just shaping policies; you're shaping lives, livelihoods, and legacies.

    How long do I have to complete the survey?

    We will be conducting our Community Vision Survey from 28 June to 30 August 2024. We encourage you to have your say on the future of the shire.

    Is the survey the only way I can provide feedback?

    This survey is the one way of providing feedback on the Community Term Vision. 

    We will also be out and about in the community during July and August, visiting local markets, sporting events and pop-up sites. Keep an eye on our social media to see where we are popping up next and come have a chat with us!

    What is the purpose of the survey?

    Your feedback will directly influence the development of our next four-year Council Plan. By reviewing the existing vision statement, you'll help us understand what's working well and where we need to adjust our focus to better serve your needs and aspirations.

    Where will the survey be available?

    The survey is available on our website and hard copies are available at all of our service centres. Posters with QRCodes will also be distributed throughout the community. Additionally, it will also be distributed to local community groups.

    Is the survey confidential?

    All details and individual responses are confidential.