Project Update 22/04/2022
Bruthen benefits from a town plan that uses the main street median as its ‘front garden’. A place of welcome, to refresh, to linger and enjoy.
Like Bairnsdale and Maffra, these gardens define and celebrate the character of the township . There is an opportunity in the re-planning of traffic circulation to improve the ease of pedestrian movement, acknowledge indigenous heritage and further enhance the very pleasing ambiance these gardens bestow upon Bruthen.
The next stage of the Bruthen Streetscape Project is to undertake engagement with the community on the proposed landscape designs. You will find these proposed plans in the Documents section on the right hand side of the page.
Consultants and Council Officers will be conducting a Pop Up session in Bruthen at the Rotunda on 1 May 2022 at 10.30 am to discuss landscape concepts and receive feedback from the community.
The Consultation period was open for 4 weeks commencing 22 April 2022. You will find a feedback section at the bottom of this page to provide further feedback and suggestions.