Bairnsdale - Cell 4 - Bairnsdale Landfill

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This project is now complete

Project Complete

Phase 1 (main cell) works were completed in March 2023.

The Environmental Protection Authority license is pending for use of Cell 4.

Phase 2 works are progressing as a lower priority. This part of the cell will not be needed for several years.

Project Overview

The need for construction of Cell 4 was brought forward as a result of the bushfire event in 2019/20. Due to the large amount of bushfire waste generated, data showed the current active landfill cell (Cell 3B) would be filled at a far quicker rate than would normally be expected.

Cell 3B was commissioned into service in January 2020 however by August 2020, approximately half of its capacity was utilised by the bushfire waste clean-up program. This significantly impacted the initial anticipated life of approximately three years for Cell 3B. As a result, there was a need to bring forward the construction of the next waste cell, Cell 4, at the Bairnsdale Regional Landfill.

A design for the construction of Cell 4 was developed to ensure Council can continue to meet community needs. The Cell 4 design was audited by an accredited third party and approved by the Victorian Environment Protection Authority.

The project provides for future waste disposal requirements for the East Gippsland Shire community. With the closure of Lakes Entrance Landfill now complete, and the planned transition of the Cann River Landfill to Transfer Station, Cell 4 at Bairnsdale Regional Landfill will provide for the whole municipality.

The cell has been constructed with a Type 2 Landfill liner system in accordance with the Best Practice Environmental Management. The life of Cell 4 considering modeled demand is approximately 3-years.

If you would like to search for other past, current or future projects in your town, simply type your town name in the search bar.

Project Complete

Phase 1 (main cell) works were completed in March 2023.

The Environmental Protection Authority license is pending for use of Cell 4.

Phase 2 works are progressing as a lower priority. This part of the cell will not be needed for several years.

Project Overview

The need for construction of Cell 4 was brought forward as a result of the bushfire event in 2019/20. Due to the large amount of bushfire waste generated, data showed the current active landfill cell (Cell 3B) would be filled at a far quicker rate than would normally be expected.

Cell 3B was commissioned into service in January 2020 however by August 2020, approximately half of its capacity was utilised by the bushfire waste clean-up program. This significantly impacted the initial anticipated life of approximately three years for Cell 3B. As a result, there was a need to bring forward the construction of the next waste cell, Cell 4, at the Bairnsdale Regional Landfill.

A design for the construction of Cell 4 was developed to ensure Council can continue to meet community needs. The Cell 4 design was audited by an accredited third party and approved by the Victorian Environment Protection Authority.

The project provides for future waste disposal requirements for the East Gippsland Shire community. With the closure of Lakes Entrance Landfill now complete, and the planned transition of the Cann River Landfill to Transfer Station, Cell 4 at Bairnsdale Regional Landfill will provide for the whole municipality.

The cell has been constructed with a Type 2 Landfill liner system in accordance with the Best Practice Environmental Management. The life of Cell 4 considering modeled demand is approximately 3-years.

If you would like to search for other past, current or future projects in your town, simply type your town name in the search bar.

This project is now complete

  • Project Update 11/04/2023

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    11 Apr 2023
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    Phase 1 (main cell) works were completed in March 2023.

    The Environmental Protection Authority license is pending for use of Cell 4.

    Phase 2 works are progressing at a lower priority. This part of the cell will not be needed for several years.

  • Project Updates 2021

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    11 Apr 2023

    11/08/2021 - Bairnsdale Cell 4 excavation work is progressing well and it is expected that if the good weather continues, we will near the design floor of the pit within the next few weeks.

    5/08/2021 - Bairnsdale Cell 4 excavation work continues, with some decent weather allowing the subcontractor to realise that they are gradually getting towards the bottom of the dig.

    28/07/2021 - Bairnsdale Cell 4 excavation work continues, with some of the soil stockpile already being removed and repurposed on other council projects

    22/07/2021 - Bairnsdale Cell 4 excavation works continue, with a steady flow of earth continuing to being excavated on site.

    14/07/2021 - Excavation works continue, with a steady flow of earth continuing to being excavated on site.

    30/06/2021 - Excavation works continue, with the dryer weather ensuring a steady flow of earth being shifted on site.

    23/06/2021 - Excavation works continue, with the merging of the existing Cell 3B and new Cell 4 starting.

    16/06/2021 - Bairnsdale Cell 4 slowly continued this week after a heavy rain delay, with excavation works of the new cell progressing well. Soil testing continues with all test coming back with no issues to this point.

    2/06/2021 - Bairnsdale Cell 4 continued this week, with excavation and Stockpiling of clay for reuse in the new cell. More material testing along with confirmation of Liner materials have being ordered, but again overall works are progressing well.

    26/05/2021 - Bairnsdale Cell 4 continued this week after a short rain delay, with excavation works of the new cell well under way. Liner materials are being ordered along with soil materials being readied for testing, but overall works are progressing well.

  • We've reached the base

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    20 Sep 2021
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    Bairnsdale Cell 4 still has a few dampness issues after the heavy rains buts works are continuing. We have now reached the base of the excavated area and more shaping works will take place shortly