Why is a Rural Land Use Strategy required?

    Over the past 20-30 years there has been pressure on Council to approve subdivisions and dwellings on rural lots where people have purchased agricultural land for rural residential purposes. This takes the land out of agricultural production.   

    Most other Councils in Gippsland have adopted rural land use strategies over the past 10 years to better manage planning decisions in rural areas.   

    What does the Rural Land Use Strategy do?

    It provides a guidance for decision making on subdivision and development of rural land to protect agricultural use and to guide rural development to the most appropriate locations.  

    It will place more emphasis on protecting rural land for agriculture and other rural activities and discourage conversion of land for rural ‘lifestyle’ purposes, which is catered for in the Rural Living Zone. 

    I own land in a rural area. How will this strategy affect me?

    The Rural Land Use Strategy will impact different areas in different ways.   

    Our strategic approach to planning for rural areas addresses a complex range of issues and opportunities.  If you own land in a rural area, it is likely that the strategy will impact how you can use, develop or subdivide your land. 

    We encourage you to read the strategy to understand the ‘big picture’ for the future of rural land in East Gippsland.  If you need assistance with reviewing the document, please submit a request to our Strategic Planning Team at feedback@egipps.vic.gov.au  

    What if I own a small property in the Farming Zone?

    There are many properties in the Farming Zone that might not be suitable for large scale farming but help to maintain the rural character and can be used for small scale agriculture or in association with other farming land.  

    State Government policy is clear that small properties in the Farming Zone should not be further subdivided. The Rural land Use Strategy maintains that position. 

    How does the draft strategy address rural living opportunities?

    The development of housing in rural areas falls into two categories:  

    1. Use and development of a house in a rural zone (Farming Zone or Rural Activity Zone) 

    The draft strategy is clear that house will only be supported where it is genuinely required in association with a farming activity.  The draft strategy offers limited flexibility in exceptional circumstances (see Strategic Direction 5 in the draft RLUS – Rural Housing). 

    2. Development of a house in the Rural Living Zone. 

    This draft strategy does not address development of houses in this zone or the potential future rezoning of land to the Rural Living Zone.  These will be considered as part of the Housing and Settlement Strategy. 

    What has happened so far? 

    The Rural Land Use Strategy has been in development over a number of years. A previous version was available for community comment in 2021 and the current version seeks to respond to what we heard from previous engagement. It also provides an updated statistical and policy context for the strategy.

    Can I provide feedback?

    Yes, the draft Rural Land Use Strategy will be available for comment until Friday 3 February 2023.

    Will my comments make any difference?

    Yes, the final strategy will be refined based on community feedback.

    What happens next? 

    Following consideration of community feedbackit is intended that a final version of the Rural Land Use Strategy will be prepared and presented to Council for endorsement. 

    If endorsed, the strategy will then proceed to a Planning Scheme Amendment where the key recommendations will be implemented into the East Gippsland Planning Scheme.  There will be an opportunity for further community input as part of the Planning Scheme Amendment process.