2 February 2025

The Draft Pittosporum Walk and Devlin Walk proposed plans were available for feedback from November to December 2024.

A total of 41 submissions were received with 100% of respondents providing in principal support for the project, with a small number of responses raising concern regarding access to the Devlin Gully Walk from the Foreshore Caravan Park.

Minor design considerations will be made to address concern raised.

What we heard [feedback summary]

Support for restoring pathways -

  • Restoration will prevent damage from informal tracks and bush bashing.
  • The reopened tracks will greatly benefit both locals and visitors, as they were among the most popular short walks in the area.

Importance of the walks -

  • They provide safe off-road access to the beach and allow appreciation of the coastal landscape.
  • The tracks are a key part of community infrastructure, originally developed with local input, labour, and funding.

Nature and scope of repairs -

  • Support for repairs that maintain the natural character of the track (narrow, winding, not gravel).
  • The focus is on repairing existing infrastructure rather than expanding tracks to avoid further environmental impact.
  • Proposed works use similar materials and do not increase infrastructure levels.

Specific track considerations:

Pittosporum Walk -

  • Reinstating the full length will allow safe off-road beach access.

Devlins Gully Walk -

  • Should remain a lower grade walk to protect its sensitive rainforest environment.
  • Support for keeping signage minimal and non-intrusive.
  • General agreement to close access from the campground to allow revegetation of critically endangered temperate coastal rainforest.

Concerns and other feedback -

Some concerns about unauthorised tracks from the caravan park to Devlins Gully.

  • Concerns of illegal vegetation clearing.

Key recommendations for next phase of project

  1. The trail planning, and particularly the wayfinding signage component, must clearly manage the orientation and direction of walkers from the foreshore caravan park to the start of the Devlin Gully and Pittosporum Walks.
  2. Environment protection measures must be incorporated into the construction phase to avoid and minimise any detrimental impact on the sensitive habitat areas.
  3. The trail should be constructed of materials that are in keeping with the existing character. Track surfacing will be the natural soil and mulch material from local vegetation management. No imported gravel or mulch will be used.
  4. Incorporate minimal signage to assist first time visitors with way finding and interpretation about environmental and heritage aspects of the walks.
  5. Integrate seating at strategic locations to improve visitor amenity and provide rest points.
  6. Undertake revegetation in selected locations to improve environmental and landscape values.

View the engagement report - CLICK HERE

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