Lindenow South Recreation Reserve Oval Lighting
The Lindenow South Recreation Reserve lighting upgrade was completed in June 2024.

The Lindenow South Recreation Reserve is soon to get new lighting towers.
The existing lighting infrastructure is inadequate and the illumination it provides is not meeting the needs of the current users, nor is it compliant with the AFL facility guidelines for a local level facility. A technical assessment undertaken by East Gippsland Shire Council confirms this condition assessment.
The reserve is home to Lindenow South Football/Netball Club (senior and junior teams), Lindenow South Women's AFL team, and the Lindenow South Glenaladale Cricket Club. By incrementally improving the facilities at the Lindenow South Recreation Reserve, the participation levels will be maintained. Keeping players participating through training and game day is critical and having safe and compliant facilities directly corelates with maintaining this. This is particularly important for the Lindenow South Women’s AFL team as it is currently the only open female AFL team representing all of the East Gippsland municipality.
The Lindenow South Recreation Reserve Committee of Management are completing a masterplan for the reserve, developed as part of the broader East Gippsland Sporting Facilities Plan. This lighting project has been identified as a priority project.
Project Objective
The proposed outcome of the Lindenow South Recreation Reserve Oval Lighting Project is to:
- Develop new or maintain existing participation opportunities in football and/or netball, where there is a risk to participation decline.
- Improve diversity and inclusiveness in participation by prioritising projects that provide opportunities for underrepresented groups (such as women and girls, people with a disability), as outlined in Active Victoria.
- Support gender equality in participation, coaching, administration, umpiring and volunteering.
- Improve physical and mental health, social and economic outcomes for traditionally disadvantaged communities such as low socio-economic areas, growth areas, and communities experiencing long-term disadvantage.
- Develop multi-use, shared and co-located facilities.
- Collaborate with AFL Victoria, Netball Victoria or other relevant peak bodies.
Project Scope
The project will see the installation of four 25m tall fixed lighting towers on the Lindenow South Recreation Reserve Oval, with LED globes [illumination of 100LUX] to meet AFL Victoria Preferred facilities guidelines.
The need to upgrade of the switchboard and power supply will be determined once a contractor has been appointed.
Community Consultation and Engagement
Council has been working with multiple recreation reserve committees of management and user groups to future plan for recreation reserve investment. For the past 18 months, as part of the East Gippsland Sporting Facilities Plan, continued conversation has occurred with Lindenow South Recreation Reserve committee about its priorities moving forward.
The recreation reserve committee is made up of representatives of all the user groups at the reserve who work to a shared vision of 'a family and community friendly space for all'. Informed by this shared vision, the draft masterplan has been developed.
Council has written to all neighbouring properties informing them of the upgrade to the oval lighting in a letter dated 17 March 2023; no feedback has been received from residents; however, letters of support have been received from multiple community groups.
Council will provide continual communication to the Committee of Management during the progress of this project. Project updates will appear in the tab below at critical milestones of the project.
This Project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, and Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV) - 2022-23 Country Football and Netball Program, and East Gippsland Shire Council.
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The Lindenow South Recreation Reserve lighting upgrade was completed in June 2024.