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Jemmys Point Lookout Stage 2 and Loop Walking Trail - official opening
The completion of the Jemmys Point Stage 2 lookout and loop walking trail was celebrated on Wednesday 4 September 2024 at Rotary Park.
Senator for Victoria, Raff Ciccone, attended to officially open the projects, saying it was clear to see why so many people want to move to East Gippsland.
"This type of community infrastructure we're opening today goes a long way - attracting tourism and encouraging people to travel around and explore our state."
The Australian Government provided close to $2 million for this project and Council provided over $1 million.
The new recreation facilities, loop walking trail and viewing platform in Lakes Entrance has provided several benefits to the community. These facilities now serve as a gathering place for the community, promoting social interactions and cohesion. Residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor activities, fostering a healthier lifestyle and enhancing well-being.
The circular viewing platform offers a unique vantage point to appreciate the natural beauty of the ocean and its surroundings, fostering environmental awareness and has attracted more tourists, leading to increased business for local shops and restaurants.
These enhancements have contributed to making Lakes Entrance a more appealing place to live and visit, benefiting the community in multiple ways.
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The wait is over!
The recycled cast aluminium and hardwood timber picnic settings and street furniture have been installed, providing visitors to Jemmys Point with a comfortable and inviting space to relax, enjoy a meal, and take in the breathtaking views of the Gippsland Lakes, the Entrance, and the ocean beyond.

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We're not done yet!
We have received positive feedback following the completion of the civil works at Rotary Park, Jemmys Point in December 2023, including stories of how this updated community recreational space is already serving as a central hub for social activities.
The new concrete pathway connections now provide all-ability access from the car parks, innovative solar BBQs, shelters, and toilet facilities to the new viewing platform which provides spectacular panoramic views of the Gippsland Lakes, the Entrance, Bass Strait and 90 Mile Beach.
Railing will soon be installed on the new viewing platform to provide additional safety, together with two new bench seats for visitor relaxation. Four recycled cast aluminium and hardwood timber picnic settings have been on back order and are scheduled to be installed at Rotary Park by the end of January 2024.
The timing of the project completion does not lend itself to planting now, as we normally avoid planting in Summer due to heat and lower plant success rates. Plants will be selected to achieve a balance between greenery and to create a visually appealing landscape while minimising obstruction to views, addressing the community’s desire for aesthetics without compromising the scenic aspects.
Planting around the platform will be with smaller coastal and drought hardy shrubs which grow to around one metre in height and chosen due to their suitability to the location climate and minimal maintenance requirements. Planting will likely occur in Autumn to give the plants time to establish roots, prior to the summer heat. This will be subject to plant availability. If the weather is milder and wetter than expected, we will bring this timing forward.
We will also do some work on the roundabout to prevent cars driving over it, and this will probably be kept mown as opposed to planted.
The existing Gippsland Ports tower will remain in place and provides 24-hr viewing of The Entrance via their webcam:
The Loop Trails are well under way, with several key sections already complete and available for the community to use. The section of the walking trail from Kalimna Jetty to Kalimna Hotel will be closed to the public from 17 January 2024 through to the end of March 2024 to complete upgrades to the walking trail and installation of the new stair and steps over that section of the trail.
Access to this section of the popular walking track will be unavailable for the duration of the work. Walkers are asked to observe the construction site signage and any directions from the contractor including following traffic management direction in the precinct during the works.
Other sections of the Loop Walk will remain open, and we are now welcoming walkers along the waterfront from Princes Highway at the North Arm bridge all the way to Kalimna Jetty.
Please follow the link below to view photos of the completed works at Rotary Park.
Photos - Jemmys Point Lookout Stage 2
We welcome your continued engagement in this project. Further updates will be provided on YourSay when available.
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A section of the Kalimna Loop Walk in Lakes Entrance will be closed for upgrade works from 17 January 2024 through to the end of March 2024.

The section of the walking trail from Kalimna Jetty to Kalimna Hotel will be closed to the public to complete upgrades to the walking trail and installation of the new stair and steps over that section of the trail.
Access to this section of the popular walking track will be unavailable for the duration of the work. Walkers are asked to observe the construction site signage and any directions from the contractor including following traffic management direction in the precinct during the works.
Other sections of the Loop Walk will remain open, and we are now welcoming walkers along the waterfront from Princes Highway at the North Arm bridge all the way to Kalimna Jetty.
Further updates will be provided on YourSay to keep community informed. Please choose to follow this project on Your Say to receive important information regarding this project directly to your inbox.
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Visitors are now welcome at Rotary Park, Jemmys Point
The picturesque Lookout Road site known as Rotary Park at Jemmy's Point in Lakes Entrance has undergone a significant transformation as part of Stage-2 of Council's Jemmy's Point Lookout project.
The enhancements at Rotary Park are in line with the invaluable feedback gathered during community engagement, ensuring the improvements authentically address the needs and desires of our residents. The funding for this project has been jointly provided by the Federal Government and Council, highlighting a collaborative endeavour to enrich the region's recreational and communal spaces.
Contractors commenced work at Rotary Park in August 2023, with a focus on constructing all-ability toilets featuring baby change facilities and installing solar-powered barbeques. The highlight of the project is the creation of a large circular viewing platform, providing breathtaking panoramic views of the Gippsland Lakes, the Entrance, Bass Strait, and 90 Mile Beach.
Maintaining accessibility, concrete pathway connections now lead visitors to the new viewing platform and facilities. Improvements to parking, a turnaround road with kerb and channel, and the installation of recycled cast aluminium and hardwood timber all-ability picnic settings and street furniture will enhance the overall usability of the area.
Complementing these upgrades will be a loop walking trail connecting key attractions in Kalimna. Additional signage and interpretive facilities will be installed on Princes Highway from the eastern and western approaches, providing a more comprehensive and informative experience for visitors.
Council is proud to deliver this transformative project for the East Gippsland community within budget.
The tender has now closed for the construction of the footpath and associated works at Hotel Road, Kalimna. This is the final piece of the works for the Jemmy’s Point Lookout Stage-2 project. Construction of the footpath will commence in 2024 and will provide the link between the existing Kalimna Lookout and the Kalimna loop walk, and also see new signage and car parking and line marking completed outside the Kalimna Motel.
Further updates will be provided early in the new year which will advise of start dates and any traffic impacts.
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The works at Jemmys Point are nearing completion.
Final line marking of the road has been scheduled next week, weather permitting. The railing on the viewing platform and the table and bench seating have been ordered and we anticipate the installation to be complete by end of January 2024.
Once linemarking is completed people will be able to walk from Point Road to have a BBQ picnic and use the toilet facilities and look at the ocean from the raised platform. They will also be able to walk to Lookout Road or down to Princes Highway.
Share Project Update - 16 November 2023 on Facebook
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Cranes Civil and Surfacing have completed works on the Kalimna Loop Trail in Lakes Entrance!
The trail is now open and welcoming walkers from Princes Highway (at the bridge) all the way to Kalimna Jetty.
The walking trail from Point Road to Jemmys Point [Rotary Park] is complete. With the Jemmys Point viewing platform project nearing completion, people will soon be able to walk this trail all the way to Lookout Road and have BBQ picnics at Rotary Park, as the solar BBQ, picnic shelter and toilet facilities are now complete thanks to Design Co Builders.
Detailed design of the footpath connection along Hotel Road, Kalimna has been completed. These works will include construction of a new footpath connection from the existing lookout to the end of Hotel Road and additional line marking for carparking.
Share Project update - 25 October 2023 on Facebook
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Council's contractors, Cranes Asphalting & Bitumen Sealing P/L have commenced construction of the new viewing platform at Jemmys Point.
The viewing platform will provide spectacular panoramic views of the Gippsland Lakes, the Entrance, Bass Strait and 90 Mile Beach. The besser block retaining walls of the circular platform have been constructed and are being filled with concrete. The surface of the platform will be poured in the coming weeks.
Concrete pathway connections are being prepared and will provide all-ability access to the new viewing platform. Recycled cast aluminum and hardwood timber picnic settings will be installed once the concreting has been completed.
The existing Gippsland Ports tower will remain in place. Our contractors will also be completing road refurbishments with kerb and channel.
Cranes have commenced construction works on three of the new crushed rock walking trails; the Jetty access trail in Kalimna, the Jemmys Point Reserve to Point Road trail, and the Jetty walk link trail. This work involves the completion of technical design for timber steps and platforms along the pathways.

Visitors to the area are asked to observe the construction signage and any directions from the contractor, including following traffic management direction on Jetty Road Kalimna during the works.
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The construction works at Jemmy’s Point are nearing completion, with the toilet block, BBQ facilities, and footpath connections all progressing well.
A few things still need to be completed, but we hope to have it all finished in a few weeks' time.
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Works at Jemmy's Point is progressing well.
The underground bore for the sewer is now complete and the trenching for the sewer connection is well underway.
The BBQ shelter is complete. We are expecting the BBQ and seating to arrive at the end of next week.
The toilet block framing is complete. The roof sheeting was delivered today, and the contractors commenced installation.