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The Lakes Entrance community came together on Saturday 1 February as a 70-strong crowd of locals, business owners and project contributors - including artists and developers - celebrated the official opening of three major foreshore projects: Krauatungalung Walk Stage 1, Lakes Foreshore Park and Lakes Entrance Water Sports Pavilion.
With a total investment of more than $3.5 million, these initiatives are designed to enhance the town's appeal for tourists while also enriching community spaces.
The projects have been delivered in partnership with the Australian Government; the Victorian Government (Lakes Entrance Foreshore Park funding from its 2020-2021 Local Sports Infrastructure Fund); the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC); and local contractors.
These additions to the Lakes Entrance foreshore provide long-term benefits, foster greater inclusivity, accessibility, and tourism opportunities, providing an economic boost for the town and region.
Read the media release
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Join us Saturday 1 February 2025 to celebrate over $3.5 million worth of foreshore upgrades in Lakes Entrance!
Krauatungalung Walk Stage 1, the Lakes Foreshore Park upgrade, and the Lakes Entrance Water Sports Pavilion will be officially opened at a community event which starts at 9.30 am at Main Beach Walk, The Esplanade, and will include a traditional smoking ceremony and ribbon cutting.
The event will showcase the area's revitalisation through cultural heritage, inclusive design and improved recreational facilities.
Krauatungalung Walk pays tribute to Aboriginal people and their enduring connection to the region. Featuring a garden showcasing Aboriginal cultural heritage and storytelling, a sculpture featuring Gunaikurnai creators Borun the pelican and Tuk the musk duck expertly created by Deb Milligan and Colin Little at Gippsland studio Little Milligan, and an all-abilities boardwalk linking Cunninghame Arm with the town centre. Additional Indigenous heritage and storytelling components will be included in the next stages of Krauatungalung Walk.
Lakes Foreshore Park will be celebrated as an inclusive and visually appealing play space, also incorporating Aboriginal art and nature-inspired designs. The park includes accessible play equipment, a water-play zone, picnic table and shelters, and promenade seating.
Lakes Entrance Water Sports Pavilion, sited along the Krauatungalung Walk, offers seating, shade, and a staff room and storage for Lakes Entrance Aqua Park. The limestone pavilion supports recreational and sporting activities at the water’s edge, further enhancing the town’s appeal as a destination for locals and tourists alike.
The projects have been delivered in partnership with the Australian Government; the Victorian Government, (Lakes Entrance Foreshore Park funding from its 2020-2021 Local Sports Infrastructure Fund); the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC); and local contractors.
Why not make a day of it? Start with parkrun (, treat yourself to a coffee and a well-earned treat from one of the town's fabulous cafes, then join us at 9.30 am at Main Beach Walk for the celebrations.
- Discover the new Krauatungalung Walk, honouring Gunaikurnai cultural heritage.
- Explore the upgraded Lakes Foreshore Park, a fun and inclusive space for all ages.
- Check out the Water Sports Pavilion, the perfect lakeside spot.
These additions to the Lakes Entrance foreshore provide long-term benefits, foster greater inclusivity, accessibility, and tourism opportunities, providing an economic boost for the town and region.
Don’t miss this chance to celebrate the future of Lakes Entrance!
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Open this week!
The fences will be coming down this afternoon; perfectly timed to welcome visitors for the long weekend!
The playground, near the footbridge on the Esplanade, focusses on nature-play alongside universally accessible equipment. The park is an area where young people of all abilities are able to play and recreate in a safe, enjoyable and challenging environment that inspires creativity and encourages physical activity.
We are also aiming to open our other major playground project, Forest Park in Orbost, in the coming weeks. The community can keep an eye on our social media pages for updates closer to the weekend. These are two major visitor experience projects Council has completed with Federal and Victorian Government funding.
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Further updates will be provided on YourSay following the Council Election on 26 October 2024, and the questions/feedback tab will be reinstated.
From 12.00 noon Tuesday 17 September until 6.00 pm on Saturday 26 October (Election Day) we will be in the Local Government Election Period (also known as Caretaker Period).
During this time, we will limit our printed communications, website content, social media activity, and community consultations. The ability for people to comment on our social media content will also be disabled during the Election Period.
Each of these steps is to ensure our content does not affect voting in the election and is consistent with steps taken by other Victorian Councils and the Local Government Act 2020.
These changes are only temporary; we'll be back to normal communication activity after the election.
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With the final play equipment arriving this week, we’re on track to finish the Lakes Entrance Foreshore Parkby October— just in time for the Melbourne Cup long weekend.
Playground equipment, shelters, seating, and drinking fountains are already in place, drawing plenty of attention. Next week, gardeners will get to work, and soft fall rubber and mulch will be installed, creating a safe, accessible and fun space for all. This park will be a fantastic spot for everyone to enjoy, thanks to water play, nature play, and inclusive design features.
A huge thank you to everyone who shared feedback and helped shape this project - get ready to spin, swing and slide into summer.
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Major pieces of playground equipment, drinking fountains, shelters, and retaining walls have been installed, sparking great interest and desire in the community.
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Three pieces of playground equipment have already been installed. Footpaths are boxed in ready for the first concrete pour.
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After much community anticipation, East Gippsland Shire Council are set to commence works on the Lakes Entrance Foreshore Park and the Krauatungalung Walk Stage-1 boardwalk on 15 April 2024.
These developments are designed to enrich the community’s wellbeing and connectedness and further establish Lakes Entrance as a premier destination for residents and visitors alike.
The Foreshore Park development will feature a destination playground, pathways, and landscaping, catering to people of all ages and abilities. With elements like water-play and nature-play, alongside universally accessible equipment, Foreshore Park aims to promote outdoor activities and foster a healthier lifestyle for residents and visitors alike.
CLICK HERE to view the final playground design.
Krauatungalung Walk Stage-1 commenced in 2023 with the installation of an Indigenous Garden representing the five Gunaikurnai clans and a beautiful seat starring Gunaikurnai creators Borun the pelican and Tuk the Musk duck, to enhance the cultural experience for all.
Partnering with the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC) underscores the commitment to engage and listen deeply to Gunaikurnai Traditional Owners. GLaWAC will design and install cultural art pieces, ensuring the project remains deeply rooted in cultural heritage.
The construction of the Stage-1 boardwalk, extending approximately 300metres east of the toilets and past the Aqua Park, will provide all-ability access, cultural information, and a viewing platform looking back toward the township.
CLICK HERE to view the boardwalk design plan.
These developments are part of Council’s ongoing efforts to enhance Lakes Entrance for both residents, visitors and the broader East Gippsland community and complement the recently completed upgrade of Bullock Island and the Old Slipway.
We do not anticipate any interruptions to businesses or markets during this time.
Access to the beach will remain open.
For safety, visitors to the area are asked to observe construction signage and any directions from the contractor during the works.
The works, funded by all three levels of government, are anticipated to take approximately six (6) months to complete.
We look forward to sharing the progress of these projects with our community through updates on YourSay and facebook – we welcome you to join us on this exciting journey.
Please select to 'follow this project' to receive updates directly to your inbox.

If you have any concerns, please contact the Project Supervisor on 5153 9500, or via email to
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Council has been working together with the Project Reference Group behind the scenes to progress this project. A collaborative decision was made to undertake the construction utilising internal crews and some specialist contractors.
Works are scheduled to commence following the busy Easter school holiday period to minimise disruption to the recreational use of the area.
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This project has now been re-released for tender after the last tender in 2022 failed to obtain any submissions due to the capacity of local contractors.
Council is pleased to announce the Construction Tender is open - released 10 May and closing 7 June 2023.
To be a part of this exciting project, submit your tender submission at - Tenders (