Rural Land Use Strategy Community Consultation
Consultation has concluded

Council has prepared a Draft Rural Land Use Strategy (RLUS) for East Gippsland.
The Strategy creates a planning vision and objectives that seeks to support agriculture and rural industries, promote opportunities in rural tourism and recognise and protect important environmental, cultural and landscape values.
The RLUS aims to:
- Provide strategic direction and policy to facilitate a consistent approach to use and development of rural land.
- Provide a decision-making tool that assists East Gippsland Shire to determine planning applications and landowners to make optimal use of rural land.
- Promote appropriate, innovative and sustainable economic development of rural land for agriculture, rural industry and rural tourism into the future.
- Identify necessary changes to the East Gippsland Planning Scheme.
The study area incorporates all land within the Farming Zone and Rural Conservation Zone within East Gippsland Shire. The RLUS applies to all private land in these zones.
The Rural Living Zone was not included in the scope of this study. Some recommendations are made about the future supply of land in the Rural Living Zone to meet the demand for rural lifestyle.
The RLUS does not include land within:
- Rural Living Zone
- Low Density Residential Zone
- Public Land or Crown Land
- Land within Township boundaries
Council is open to all feedback from rural landowners, community members and other stakeholders before finalising the Rural Land Use Strategy.
Current community consultation - survey now closed. Written submissions will still be received via email
The following Documents are available for review to support your submission
- Information Sheet
- The Draft Rural Land Use Strategy
- The Background Paper to the RLUS
# All Documents available in Document folder on this page
Public Exhibition and Final Strategy
The Draft Rural Land Use Strategy will be placed on public exhibition for four weeks to provide opportunities for the community and stakeholders to make detailed comment on the recommendations and provide feedback.
All feedback will be considered in the preparation of a final Rural Land Use Strategy to be presented to Council for adoption. The final Strategy may be modified, if required based on community and stakeholder feedback.
There will be further opportunity for public comment when a Planning Scheme Amendment is publicly exhibited.