Project Update 27/02/2023
Council provided notice of its decision to grant a Planning Permit for a waste Transfer Station at Gauge Track, Cann River 22 October 2022.
This notice provides the opportunity for objections to be lodged with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) within 28 days, following which a planning permit may be issued.
Two objections have since been lodged with VCAT, following which a practice day (preliminary) hearing was held on 17 February 2023. A secondary practice day hearing was however required and has been scheduled for 2 March 2023. Subject to directions of VCAT, the matter may proceed to mediation and / or formal VCAT hearing process prior to being determined.
Further updates will be provided to this page to keep community members informed.
Council encourages community members to follow the progress of the service transition on our website: where Officers are available to answer any further questions the community may have.
You can contact Council on (03) 5153 9500 or via email link).

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