Project Update 24/11/2022 - Flood Mitigation Works - Temporary Road Closure
Wairewa Road, Bills Creek will be closed for approximately three days in early February 2023 in order to undertake urgent maintenance works. A second notification will follow as soon as exact dates are known.
Council have awarded the flood mitigation project at Bills Creek to Whelans Group Investments Pty Ltd. The project sees the installation of two large box culverts and raising the level of the road. The plan is to close Wairewa Road at Bills Creek for three days to enable Whelans to work day and night and complete the works and reopen the road to traffic.
The previous option of staging the works and keeping one lane open to traffic proved to be extremely difficult, due to limitations in work space, saturated ground conditions and utility service locations. This option would have seen the road reduced to one lane for ten days and have caused long delays for road users.
Signage will be installed on Wairewa Road, 14 days prior to the road closure.
East Gippsland Shire Council apologises for any inconvenience that maybe caused.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Heinemann, Project Supervisor on 03 5153 9500.
Manager Capital Projects and Plant
Project Complete