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Murphy Street Bairnsdale - have your say


How do you use Murphy Street?

* required

Do you experience any issues with traffic flow along Murphy Street?

* required

Do you feel safe using Murphy Street?

* required

Preferred layout

Two concept designs have been developed - 

1. Single carriageway: a single road with 1 lane in each direction; this layout allows larger lawn areas in front of properties and costs less to construct than a divided carriageway. 

2. Divided carriageway: two roads separated by a grassed median strip. While a divided residential street offers benefits such as improved safety and aesthetics, it generally costs more due to greater land use, increased material requirements, more drainage infrastructure, additional utilities, and higher labour costs compared to a single carriageway.

Please click on the links to view the concept designs before responding to the following questions.


Please select your preferred design

* required

Parking requirements

Select the most suitable option

* required